Chap 10

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LAST CHAPTER!! Hope you liked the story. And sorry if it's too like my other story. There IS going to be an epilogue. And shout outs to everyone who stayed with me through this story. ENJOY!
Soccer Champions Chapter 10

"Thanks." She whispered to me as I carried her back to her dorm.

"No problem." I grin, and she grins back.

"You know I can walk."

"Yeah, but I like carrying you."

She blushes. "But I'm...heavy."

I stop dead in my tracks, set her down and kiss her hard on the lips. Pulling back and resting my forehead on hers, I tell her. "Don't you ever call yourself "fat" or "heavy". You are neither of those things. I love you just the way you are and you are perfect. So don't ever think those things about yourself, okay?"

"Okay." She whispers and starts to walk off.

"What's wrong?" I place a hand around her waist.

"I hate Bryan."

"Me too. I'm sorry he did that."

"Thanks. Thanks for rescuing me, and everything."

"You're welcome." Reaching her dorm, she pulled out a key and unlocked the door. "Am I allowed inside?"

"Yes. Since it's the end of school and everything, no one really cares about us seniors anymore."

"But you know I'll always care for you."

"Yes. I know." She said simply, and leaned forward to capture my lips with hers.

"I can't believe it!"

"I know right?"

"We're graduating!"

"I'm going to miss you guys!"

My friends and I were crowded in my room and we were all getting ready for the big ceremony. And, to everyone's surprise, I decided to wear a dress.

"But, are you sure?"

"You've never worn one before!"

"You're going to look so hot!"

My friends gathered around and put makeup on me. "Not too much." I reminded them, I didn't want so much make up on my face that I looked like Barbie doll.

"We know. We know." They chanted.

About five minutes later, they twirl me around. "And we're done!"

Standing up, I'm nervous about what I'm going to see. This was the first time I had EVER worn a dress, I hadn't even worn a dress to the dances before! It was a sleek black dress that wasn't too tight, because that would be really uncomfortable for me. The tie I had on, well that was just a joke type of thing, it had some skulls on it, and I felt that I needed something like that on me.

"Do you really have to wear that tie?" Kim asked me, straightening my hair (whatever that meant).

"Yeah, I do. It reminds me of being a tomboy."

"Can't you just be a total girly girl for one night?" Nicole pleads.

"Nope. Always gonna be a tomboy."

"Sure." They both roll their eyes and continue fixing my hair.

"I thought you said you guys were done."

"We are, we're just...I don't know. Just stay still."

"Nope. We're done here." I stood up, because they had sat me down in a chair again, and went into the bathroom. Whoah. I look hot. Haha, I wonder if CJ is going to like it...

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