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Soccer Champions Ch. 11

"Here you are, your new baby girl." Mr. Thompson handed Jess and CJ their brand new daughter. She had snowy white little puffs of hair on her little head and big eyes. Looking at her, both Jess and CJ's breaths were taken away.

Now you're probably thinking: Whoah, they're in a hospital and Jess just gave birth! No. She didn't. Jess and CJ had both agreed to adopt. Two years had finally passed, finishing the paperwork and all that stuff you have to do before adopting, and they had finally gotten their second child. Matty, who was 3, was at home with Nicole and Kim, his aunts who absolutely adore him.

"Thank you." CJ whispered in awe.

Jess and CJ had both decided to name the baby girl Angel, since they both thought she would be one. Now, as they stood up together, relishing in the fact that they now held their new daughter, they went home as proud parents.
"Come on, Matty! Time to leave!" Jess called to her 7-year-old son.

"Coming mom! Wait up."

Matty was just as impatient as any other 7-year old and was a hit at school. He had a ton of friends and got along with everyone, including the teachers.

His little sister, Angel, was now 4-years old and was going with her big brother to meet his friends.

"You're going to be late, Matty!"

"God mom! Just be patient!"

"You should be more patient with him." CJ came up behind Jess, who was currently packing lunches for the kids, and hugged her from behind. "I love you."

Jess laughed and turned in his arms. "I love you, too. You big lug."

CJ pretended to be offended, "Who, me?"

Jess swatted him with a dish towel, "Yes you."

"Gross, mom. Do you really have to do that in front of me?" Matty chose just the right time to come down.

"Come on Matty, you and Angel are going to be late."

"I know mom, you've told me how many times?"

"Three. Now, do you have all your homework? Do you need me to sign anything?"

Matty sighed, he was used to this. "Yes. No. Now LET'S GO!"

"Okay." Jess grabbed the car keys and kissed CJ goodbye.

"Have a good day at work Jess." He winked at her.

"Ha, thanks."

Of course Jess would have a good day, she was Matty's teacher.

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