Good Girl

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It took me a moment to process what I said. Once I did, my eyes widened and I knew I was ducked.

"Oh crap- I didn't mean to say that out loud, I-" I would've continued to ramble if his lips weren't on mine in seconds.

This kiss made me want to say a bad word, but I didn't. Instead, when he pulled away all I could say was.. "Wow."

His eyes seemed darker than usual, a tinge in them I had seen only a few times before. He looked so scrumptious in his fitted black shirt, it showed off his very built arms. He had a few scattered tattoos, although I couldn't make out what they were.

Earlier, while we were working on the project, he sat with his legs spread and a computer on the table in front of him. I wanted to kiss him then, ruffle his hair and lay on him. I never thought even a part of that would become a reality. But, here we are.

"Fuck, angel." He grunted out, looking down at me.

"Are you gonna fire me?" I blurt out. I need to start thinking before I say things, not doing so gets me in some interesting predicaments.

He laughs. He sounds so good when he laughs or chuckles, it gives me butterflies to know I made him happy.

"No. You're the best assistant i've ever had, and you're cute so that's a bonus." He states, his eyes on my lips. I feel my cheeks heat up and look away.

"Look at me." I look back up and he strokes my cheek. "Good girl." Holy crapolie. I feel heat pool in my underwear.

"Now i'm always going to want to kiss you, now that I know how it feels. You look so fucking good in my clothes, you know that?" He speaks as he steps away. "I'll drive you home, it's getting late."

"Thank you, Everett," I smile, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "Do you want me to change back?"

"No, keep it. It looks much better on you." He grins.

I follow him to the car and give him my address. Admittedly, I didn't want to go. His kisses felt nice and I wanted to be with him longer. But I knew I had to get home to Hera and relieve Amelia of her babysitting duties, it was already late.

We arrived at my apartment complex and he got out and opened the door for me. Before I could do so, he reached over and unbuckled me. He was very close.

"Have a good night, love." He says before getting back in his car.

As soon as I walked in, Amelia screeched.

"WHO'S SHIRT IS THAT?!" She questioned.

"Uhm.." I look down bashfully. "My bosses..?" I prepare for the scream, closing my eyes.

She in fact does scream, "Honestly though, I don't blame you. I've seen his pictures on the internet, total hunk." She pauses, taking in my appearance fully. "Anything else happen?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"We maybe kissed.." I trailed off, not wanting to finish the story due to my embarrassment. Not of him or the event, no that was wonderful. But of kissing my boss.

"Look at my baby go! All grown up!" She fake sniffles, "They always have to leave the nest so soon."

"Oh hush up Amelia, go home to your little bartender." I say with a smirk, sitting down at the dining room table.

"You know what? Maybe I will." She mocks attitude as she opens the door, leaves, and then slams it closed.

"I love you!" I yell, knowing she can hear me.

"I love you too sweetheart!" She yells back.


I  wasn't sure what I expected when I walked into work the next day, what I didn't expect was a new desk.. well, my desk, right next to Ever- Mr. Wallace's.

"Um, what's this new.." I struggled to find the right word, "Arrangement?"

"Well I just figured that it would be easier than me having to get up every time I needed you for something." He stated. "Do you not like it?"

"No, sir. I really don't mind it, I was just curious." I say, his fists clench and unclench at my words.

"What will we do with the other room?" I ask.

"Use it as storage. Your work is on your desk, angel."

"Thank you Mr. Wallace," I smile.

I begin working but after a while I find it very difficult to do so. Mr. Wallace seems to be frustrated, and he's very open about it. He's huffing as he types very loudly.

Finally, I break the silence. "Is something wrong, Mr. Wallace?" I turn in my spiny chair.

"Come here, please."

I make the few steps over to him and look at his computer, assuming that's what was wrong. I don't find anything to be amiss so I look back at him.

"Someone else took it upon themselves to make me coffee today," He begins, "They added cream and sugar, they don't know how I like it like you do. Another person took my parking spot, which i've used daily and consistently for years. How rude of them, don't you think?"

"Yes, that is quite rude." I state, not sure what the purpose of his rant was. Maybe he just needed someone to talk to.

"You make it better, though." He states.

"Aww, you're so sweet!" I smile, coming closer as I reach for his cheeks out of instinct to grab them. I was shocked when he pulled me to him before I could. I landed right in his lap. He burried his face in my neck and the butterflies returned.

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