The Visit

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Amir's POV

I am pulling in to the hospital's parking lot. The anticipation is killing me. I can't wait to see her. She left me, but I still love her. I am still listening to the radio to escape my thoughts. 'Maybe I should just go in now and kill her friends.' I quickly shut that thought out. She has already been through enough today.

I check the time on my phone. '12:10 AM' Visiting hours are over but I'm 18. I can stay with her through the night. I shut off the car and step out. I walk through the dark parking lot.

"I'm here to stay with Y/N L/N" I say to the front desk lady.

"Can I see an ID?" She asks. I pull out my ID from my wallet. I hand it to her.

"Alright, good to go. She is in room '#505' let me write you a visitors tag." She says.

She writes the tag and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say and head in the direction of the elevators. I press the number 5 for floor 5. 'What if she is awake? She most likely doesn't want to see me.' My thoughts were interrupted by the elevator ding.

I walk down the hall and read the door number. '#505' I get excited to see her again. I open the door and step inside. I look at her body laying on the hospital bed. She is hooked up to machines. It hurts to see her like this.

It hurts to know that I didn't protect her. I walk over to the side of her bed and sit down in the chair. "I'm sorry, Y/N. We'll be back together soon." I sigh and grab her hand. She sturrs slightly.

"I miss you, Y/N. I love you! More than I could ever love anything else. We're meant for each other." I whisper to her.

She looks so peaceful. I hope she recovers alright. I kiss her hand. I would kiss her lips, but I'm afraid of hurting her. She looks so fragile laying there. Just like she did at the end of the hill. I look at her wrist. It is still burnt. I feel terrible about that. At least she knows she can never leave me. I'm glad that she's alive. When I get her back, I'll make sure she knows I love her. More than anyone else. No one could ever love her more than I do.

A nurse walks in to take her vitals.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Alderaige." She says with a smile. She looks to be in her mid-40's.

"Yes, that's right."

"Are you her boyfriend?" She asks me.

I smile,"Yes."

"You guys make a lovely couple." She begins to take Y/N's vitals.

"All healthy! It's sweet of you to stay with her. Y/N was such a sweet heart when she was awake."

"Of course, I love her, I will stay with her as long as she is here." She smiles and leaves the room.

I kiss her hand once again. I'm relieved that she is healthy after the surgery. She is still peacefully asleep, which I'm grateful for. I wouldn't want to disturb her while she is recovering. I smile lightly at her beauty. Her beautiful h/c hair spread out on the pillow.

Her beautiful s/c skin, smooth and delicate. How I wish to see her beautiful e/c eyes, they are truly the most beautiful things in the entire universe. Her cheeks have a slight rosy tint to them. Her lips are soft and elegant. I lean in and kiss them softly. How I missed doing that.

I check the time. '4:30 AM' I only have a few more hours left with her. This thought makes me frown. I would just kill her friends right now but she has already been through a lot. 'Does she know that her other friend is dead?' I question. I look at the tear stains on her face. 'Has she been crying? Why?' My heart aches at the sight. I never want her to cry unless it's because of me. Nobody else in the world is worthy of her tears.

Meant for each other (Fem reader x yandere bf)Where stories live. Discover now