Chapter 2

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Once I get access to my phone, I try to call Apollo and Serena to see if he's safe, atlas and Andreas were nowhere near the water

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Once I get access to my phone, I try to call Apollo and Serena to see if he's safe, atlas and Andreas were nowhere near the water. No answer, there was no way I was going to show an ounce of worriedness especially with Eddie not leaving my side.

"Hey! Hey, my friends got at least one broken rib and showing signs-" she cuts him off. "Can I get your guy's name for the list?" I snatched it out of her hand when she wasn't looking to see if my brother was working. "You have a list?" I start searching through the papers "Artemis, Artemis." Eddie takes the clipboard away from me like the good man he is. "First we gotta get you fixed up then you can spiral out, I'm Eddie Diaz and this is Artemis Cruz." Cmon Artemis, open your mouth and put away your pride for a second "have you seen an Apollo Cruz on the list, he should be one of your doctors." Now the worry can be seen on my face, I start to look around to see if I can spot him.

"Head on inside and someone will be with you." She walks away and my eyes followed her, Eddie gives me a synthetic look and leads me inside. "Gee Diaz, I didn't know we were on a first name basis, let alone friends but you don't have to babysit me." I try my best to make him go away but he won't budge, don't get me wrong I appreciate it but I can handle myself. "Yeah, I get it my captains out there." I had to stop him from getting into it, he has the right to listen to his captains orders but I'm a grown adult.

I always hated being a patient in hospital, they creeped me out. "Apollo is my brother-" as soon as I start getting into it eddies eyes go somewhere else. He looks at a little boy who is coughing a-lot, his mother was getting treatment. "He remind you of your son?" I ask him, eddies not a bad guy, just a bit of conversationalist if you ask me, we're the opposite. "Yeah a little." I try not to make eye contact with him, but that wouldn't be a problem because he was still staring at the boy. "I'm sorry about his mom, that's rough."

Of course I would know a little thing or two about losing a mom, no kid could go through that. You can barely process why you think the moon follows you, let alone grief. The kid starts gagging and coughing, Eddie rushes over to save the kid. "He's drowning." He lays the kid on his side and checks inside his mouth with a small flashlight, eddie begins to take seaweed and water out of the kids mouth. Then put an oxygen mask on him, saving his life "short breaths Kyle, nice and easy, him and a familiar face manage to pick up Kyle and put him on a gurney.

"Get him an x-ray. See which pulmonary specialist is available." I take a closer look at the doctor's face and finally see who it is. "Apollo?" I gasp in relief, "Artemis?" Not a second later goes by that I get to hug my big brother, I also forgot something else, my rib is broken. "Ow, my rib is broken." I gasp "go to trauma 3, thank god your okay, have you heard from atlas?" The feeling of despair was a common thing in my family, "no why? Don't tell me..." I shake my head and he nods his head. "Ari, Atlas was on the pier when the tsunami struck, you didn't know?" Everything was starting to become clear now, I have to go find my other brother and best friend
"What about Serena? She was on the pier too" he asks "I don't know-", he holds me back. "No, no, no let me treat you first then you can go find Serena and atlas, Andreas went on a trip with his son last minute to San Francisco."

He looks at Eddie and asks for help "are you a paramedic?" Eddie was trying to process on what just happened, "no but I was just a medic in the service." Apollo pleaded for Eddie to help out, "in case you couldn't tell, we are severely short handed, any chance that you could-" "you got it man, just tell me where I can wash up, sorry looks like you're not getting rid of me any time soon." I look at Eddie one last time and roll my eyes at him, he sure has a smart mouth.


My brother fixed me right up and now I was on the hunt for my other brother and best friend, Eddie stops me before I could run off. Unfortunately he was helping someone out right in front of the hospital, "you all fixed up?" He takes a quick peep from the outside of my shirt. "All taped up, pain killed and was heading on my way out before you stopped me." He looks at me like I'm crazy, he laughs but I don't. "You gotta be kidding me. be careful." He chuckles, then mutters something under his breath. I start looking around me, seeing all this people in distress makes me uneasy. "My brother and best friend are still out there, you'd being the same thing if you were me." "You're a stubborn one." He replied to me with him being annoyed at me for so called making stupid decisions. "You can try to stop me, if you want to wanna know exactly what two broken ribs feel like-" he walks away from me and sees a fellow cop and walks towards her.

"Coop?" I get a closer look at who's on the gurney and it's my captain. "Ronnie can you hear me?" He takes off his oxygen mask for a second to talk to me as he's being wheeled away. "Artemis?" He sighs in relief, they drive him away on the truck and I stay back, I thought running off was a good idea until I started getting a thrashing pain in my rib. I can't lose my family, they are the only ones I have left. Eddie stands right next to me, helping me, while I struggle to stand up.

"Buck? Wait what are doing here? Are you okay? Where's Christopher?" Eddie starts panicking while talking to the blonde man with scratches and blood on his face. "Eddie..." that's when Diaz realizes that something is wrong. "Why do you have his glasses?" His eyes started getting glossy, tears were flooding his eyes. "Me and chistopher.... We were.... At the beach. I- I- I swear to you... okay, I tried.. and I just... I just. Eddie I don't know how to say it." The man in front of him said, I look at Eddie with sadness, squeezing his arm hoping it what some what help but I knew it wouldn't.

"Christopher?" Eddie lets me go and start walking to a man carrying him with a seen before navy blue suit and dark brown hair. He was accompanied by a woman who had a leather jacket and a one of a kinda belt that stood out.

"Atlas? Serena?" My vision became clear and I soon realized who he was holding, eddies life was in atlas's hands. Eddie went up to them and took off the navy blue jacket and saw Christoper. "Dad!" The kid yells, I go to my brother and best friend to hug the shit out of them.

"Oh my god," a tear manages to creep out by I hold it together. "Are you buck?" Atlas hands Christopher over to Eddie, and I look to see the blondie in the back happy and relieved to see Eddie with Christopher. "No, I'm his father Eddie, thank you so much." Eddie says to atlas, the man gets surrounded by a group of fire fighters making sure he was okay. Everyone was glad this nightmare was over, while some are mourning the loss of their loved ones, this tsunami played the role of god today.

When I got home, I looked at photos of me and brothers together, we're all we have left. Andreas has his kid Santiago to give a little love to and receive back, me on the hand all I had was my brothers and Serena. My mom past away when I was 4 and my dad, is incarcerated, did bad things and I wish he suffers in there, for what he had did to me.

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now