Chapter 41

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Santi knows that his mom left when he was young, he just doesn't know why

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Santi knows that his mom left when he was young, he just doesn't know why. His mom decided that she was too young to have a kid, Andreas and her were young when they had santi. Kids messing around acting like adults, we were forced to grow up too fast and Andreas took it literally. Andreas and Apollo made her go away because it was midnight, santi didn't even recognize her because he was 3 when she left. She wanted to live her life but Andreas thought the opposite, Santi was his life, he wanted to give him a life that we didn't get to have. The poor kid was knocked out right next to me, I got a call at 3 am from Buck at the treasure, I put on my outfit and realized I looked like Kim possible and quickly changed again. Eddie picked me up in his car and Buck was already in the back seat. 

"I have a feeling you're ignoring me." He whispers in my ear while Eddie is playing his music loud enough for him not to hear us. "Buck, Eddie already knows, there's no point in whispering." I cross my arms and sit quietly. "It was kinda obvious to me, but I'm only slightly weirded out because you two hated each other's guts. good for you two, my two best friends, great." I sensed some sarcasm in his tone but I let it go. "What bothers me is that we had to wake up at 3 am for this shit, I need my beauty sleep! This glowy skin doesn't appear out of nowhere."

"But those bags under your eyes say otherwise." Eddie jokes around and I blow him a raspberry, "Ugh you sound like my brothers, I already have three, I don't need another one." Lean back into the seat and then I look at his GPS, "We still have an hour to go? Dios mío ayuda me." Buck nods his head. "Yeah, what she said." Eddie laughs and takes another sip of his energy drink, "If I were you two, I'd be sleeping. I'm on my third Red Bull, there's no way I'm sleeping, gotta be wide awake for that money." I groan and lean my head on Buck's shoulder while he puts his arm around me and I fall asleep. I have no bed but this will have to do for now.

"Wake up princess." Eddie hits my knee and I slap him, it was more like a baby hit. "I'm not sorry for that, those are my reflexes, and don't ever say that again. Unless the first slap wasn't enough." He puts his hands up, "I think I got the memo, wake him up please." Eddie gets out of the car for a moment to throw out his Red Bull cans I start to shake Buck to wake him up but he doesn't wake up. I check his pulse to make sure he's alive and he is, I turn his face to the side and kiss him, of course, he kisses back. "Well look at that, who'd knew that would work, cmon Buckley let's go." We got out of Eddie's car and Eddie grabbed his tools, "this looks like a horror movie, it's pitch black outside and we're going in to find some treasure?"

"Sounds about right." We begin to walk and I was scared shitless, but I didn't want them to know trust. After we made it into the woods we saw two people standing there, and then two more showed up. Chim and hen were together and there was Bobby and Athena. "Uh seriously?" Buck puts his arms out in defeat. "Well, so much for giving up," Bobby says.

"I cannot believe you guys, we agreed we'd all stop looking. And yet here we all are." yeah the situation was awkward until Athena pointed out something. "Did you three bring your gear?" my head was down and I let Eddie answer. "Wasn't sure what the terrain would be like, wanted to be ready. Hey! They brought their med gear." Eddie directs the attention to hen and chim, "This treasure hunt has been nothing but medical rescues and injuries, I was not about to be one of them." Hen was right about that though, you never know what to expect anymore. "So what tipped off you guys?" chim asks. Hollis is yet to be released novel, gutted in Glendale, and then the part in the poem about a narrow space, put it together, Glendale narrows."

I don't believe in anything / Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now