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You're dead meat

What'd I do?

Mom's asking why you haven't told any of us about you seeing someone. She had to find out about it online.

I've told you! 

You've met her in a video call before already

Yeah but not Mom lol

She wants to meet her

Like in person. Soon


She decides to tell Anntonia about what Abe told her a few days later. They were in her condo unit and Anntonia was currently working while Michelle lounged around on the couch waiting for her to finish up or at least take a break. One thing about Anntonia, as Michelle learned the hard way, was that you do not- DO NOT- disturb her when she's working. Also, do not make any attempt to make funny faces at her when she was in an online meeting, this will lead to getting hit with a pen or whatever it was that was within her reach. This is how Michelle also learned of Anntonia's great aim even without looking the hard way.

The best way to know if you can disturb her was to clear your throat loudly. Which is what Michelle did when she couldn't wait for her to take a break anymore. 


"Hmm?" Anntonia hums which for Michelle was as good as a go signal.

"My Mom wants to meet you."

"Isn't she in Utah?" Anntonia asks, not even taking her eyes off the computer monitor.


"I'm flying to the US for Thanksgiving," Anntonia tells her. 

Thanksgiving was next month. 

She raises her eyebrow at that, Anntonia didn't even mention she was going out of the country to her. Wasn't that something important to share to your significant other? Michelle knew she had family in Texas and that was where she was actually coming from last year when she and Rhian met. Her Japan to Manila flight was just a connecting flight from the US. Michelle now wonders if Anntonia always flew to the US for Thanksgiving, but she figures that wasn't the most pressing matter at the moment. 

"Meet me in Utah?" she dares ask.

"Okay," Anntonia replies as if it was a business deal. Her eyes never even left the monitor screen. 

Michelle wants to question her about why she was planning trips without even telling her but it was a minute detail now that Anntonia's actually said yes to meeting her family.

She couldn't help but smile. Progress.

She opens up her phone to browse for flights.


Utah in the fall to winter weather was always hell for Michelle, but Utah with Anntonia even in the November weather was heaven.

Here she wasn't a celebrity, here she was just Michelle with her girlfriend Anntonia. It was only 4 days of bliss but it was something Michelle dreams for her and Anntonia back home. It was what they could be once they're able to launch their relationship fully into the world. 

Which was why she hopes that Anntonia finally gets the courage to come out to her parents. She knows its hard and dare not pressure her into doing anything she wasn't comfortable with, but she really can't wait for their 4 days in Utah to be what they have every damn day of their lives together wherever in the world they were. 

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