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Michelle keeps vigil at Anntonia's bedside, her eyes intensely focused on Anntonia's chest as it goes up and down, a clear sign of life. She tries to breathe along with her- in and out, in and out- just to see if her breathing's enough to make sure she's continuing on being alive.

It's been almost 4 days since she had to rush Anntonia to the ER, the doctors said something about the clip malfunctioning, spillage, an infection on her abdomen that's spread all over her body. They had to open her up again as the ER doctor predicted, Michelle doesn't even want to think about it, the important thing was that Anntonia's okay now, or at least seemingly okay.

Anntonia stayed in the surgical ICU for 2 days before she was stable enough to be transferred to a regular room. Visitors were only allowed at certain hours in the surgical ICU so Michelle spent the hours in between in worry and turmoil. 15 minutes before visiting hours were to start, she'd already be by the door of the ICU ready to knock. 

The ICU staff told her Anntonia has woken up but, living up to her being the most stubborn woman in the world, never when Michelle was bedside during visiting hours. Michelle was so tempted to wake her up, maybe give her a little shake or a pinch, but under the watchful eyes of the ICU staff, she didn't dare to, in case they kick her out and never let her in again. 

Even after being transferred to her regular room, Anntonia still slept majority of the day away which frustrated Michelle. All she wanted was to get a glimpse of Anntonia's eyes again, to give her some sort of peace of mind.  

When Anntonia finally opens her eyes, it was in the middle of the night when Michelle was asleep, her head on the hospital bed as she sat on the chair bedside. She wakes up as she feels a hand on her head, gently running its way through her hair, and she looks up and meets the eyes she thought she'd never see again.

"Oh god," her eyes go wide and she scrambles to stand, the chair she was sitting on almost toppling backwards. "You're awake! Hi!"

"Water?" Anntonia requests.

Michelle nods, moving to step away from the bed, ready to do anything that Anntonia asks at that moment. "I'll ask the staff first, okay?" 

"No," Anntonia reaches for her. "Later, don't leave me, please."

"Never," she shakes her head a little too furiously, as she goes to reach for her hand. She pulls it up towards her mouth and places a long, lingering kiss on it. "I'm so glad you're finally awake."

"Wh' happened?"

"There was a complication with your first surgery," she tells her. "You don't remember anything?"

Anntonia shakes her head. 

"Doesn't matter, just focus on getting better, baby," she tells her, not wanting to stress her out.

"Sleepy," Anntonia says as her eyes flutter shut again.

"It's okay, you go back to sleep, baby," she reaches over to gently trace Anntonia's cheek. But please always come back to me.

Since then, Anntonia's continued on waking up, but at the times that she's asleep, Michelle still continues on closely watching her, making sure she's continually breathing.


Anntonia's Mom and brother were able to come 3 days after Antonnia's been out of the ICU. Anntonia was now awake at more prolonged moments of time, slowly regaining her strength. 

"You can come stay at the house we're renting when you're discharged, your aunt can take care of you when we leave tomorrow."

"No, Mom, I'm okay. I'm going home with Michelle, she's been taking good care of me."

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