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Her assistant comes over and hands her her phone during a break in between scenes. 

"Importante ata, kanina pa tumatawag."

Michelle looks at the screen and sees Anntonia's name. Anntonia rarely calls during the day time when she's busy with work so something was likely up, but before Michelle can even think of the worst case scenario, she answers as to not to lose the call. "Hi, baby."

"Don't panic," Anntonia's voice immediately comes from the other end of the line. Before Michelle can tell her that the first thing not to say was exactly that when you don't want anyone to panic, Anntonia speaks again. "I'm in the hospital."


"I'm ok!" Anntonia continues on speaking. "Well, better now at least since they've given me pain killers at last. They're wheeling me into the operating room though."

"What?! Ann!" Michelle finally got in a word.

"Think they said it's appendicitis," Anntonia rambles on.

"Wha- Where are you? Which hospital?"

"The hospital near my place, over the bridge?" 

"St. Luke's in BGC?"

"I think so," Anntonia says unsurely. "Can you just track my phone?"

"Ok, ok, I'll be right there," Michelle nods absentmindedly as if Anntonia can see her at that moment. 

"No! You won't be done until tonight, right," Anntonia hurriedly says. "It's okay, my aunt's been here."

"Your aunt from Batangas?" Anntonia's Aunt from Batangas, if Michelle remembers correctly needed 3 hours of travel time to get to Manila. She did the quick math  and if her Aunt's been there since earlier then it means... "How long have you been there?"

"Since this morning," Anntonia responds, and Michelle's panic was momentarily sliced by a feeling of pain and betrayal. She's been in the hospital for hours and hours and she only called her now. "They ran tests and it's taken a while but I think now they know so they're taking me to surgery. I just wanted to call you in case..."

"In case what!?" she cries into the phone, she's surpassed panic now.

"You know," Anntonia trails off. "Anyways, I'll see you later, maybe."

"Jesus christ, baby, don't scare me like this," she begs as if begging can do anything at that moment to change the situation. There was a bit of a scuffle from Anntonia's end before she hears her voice again.

"They want my phone now. I'll have my aunt text you."

"O-okay," Michelle hopelessly stammers as the call ends. She stares down at her phone for a few seconds and tries to remember what it was she needed to do. And with shaky hands, goes to track Anntonia's phone.


Michelle arrives in the hospital 3 hours later, Anntonia's Aunt updated her that Anntonia's surgery was done and she's been transferred back to her room.

"Tulog pa," Anntonia's Aunt tells her as soon as she enters the room, long before Michelle can lay her eyes upon Anntonia asleep on the hospital bed. 

She looks pale, more than the usual, was the first thing Michelle notices as she reaches the side of the hospital bed. She still looked beautiful as ever though, as Rhian always say about Anntonia 'Walang tapon with your girl, wifey.' Michelle lets out the sigh she's been holding in since she received the call earlier, now that she's seen her looking physically okay, at least, she can let herself feel relieved.

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