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It was Michelle's 31st birthday, her first one to spend with Anntonia since she was out of the country on a project last year. They were having a small party at Michelle and Rhian's house with their close friends. It was an ongoing tradition that everyone gives her a card to be read out loud in front of everyone- all in bids to try and see who can make her cry (this part wasn't really hard since she really was iyakin) or laugh the hardest.

This small ongoing tradition wasn't divulged to Anntonia until the day itself when they were already setting up for the party, to which she reacted with shock and a blush creeping across her face making Michelle wonder what she's written in her card. Anntonia didn't have the time to buy a new card and re-write her letter but she did go out of the room with the card in hand before coming back a few minutes later and putting the card back in its place on the table.

When it was time for her card reading tradition, the first card on top of the pile was none other than Anntonia's, who at that moment, was seated on the left side of Michelle who was on the head of the table. She gives her a small smile and a wink and a blush creeps through Anntonia's cheeks making Michelle laugh. 

She opens the envelope and pulls out the card and sees a Post-it on top of it. She starts reading out loud.


I didn't know you did this thing, please don't read a part of my letter out loud. Too embarrassing!

"Hey! Madaya!" Max protests.

"Shhh," Michelle shushes her. "My birthday, my rules."

"Favoritism," Max snickers.

Michelle finally opens the card itself, and after another quick glance at Anntonia who still looks like she was going to turn into a tomato, starts to read Anntonia's letter out loud.

To my birthday girl,

You never cease to amaze me, Michelle. Each day and time I learn something new about you, I'm always in continuing awe how incredible you are as a daughter, a sister, a friend, or a colleague to people in your life. You're the calm in many storms, the strength in many wars, and the wisdom to many riddles. You always say you're so lucky to be blessed by everything and everyone who graces your life, but you've always failed to see how you're the blessing in others' lives. And you are that- a blessing, my blessing. 

Thank you for welcoming me into your world, for respecting mine, and for finding a middle ground where we could just be... Just me, just you, just us two.  

Happy 31st birthday, my love. You've already conquered Filipinas and the universe twice over. I can't wait for what more is in store for you! Always know that I'm with you every step of the way. (And Herman too!)

A Post-it then covered the remaining part of the card, and just like in the front of the card, another note from Anntonia reading - PLEASE DON'T READ THIS PART OUT LOUD ANYMORE! 

So Michelle just reads through the rest of the letter in silence. 

I'm so lucky to be the 'you' in your 'I love you's and I'm so proud and honored to be the 'I' who loves you. I love you in deafening sounds and in deafening silence, baby, amongst jam-packed crowds and in a room where it's just us two. And if they ever find a word stronger than love, I'll leave this open so I can fill it up with it when that time comes: I ______ you! But for now that they haven't... Know that I'm using the strongest available word for what I'm feeling when I say I love you!

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