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It's been running through Michelle's mind a lot. A lot. She's even googled it but the answers were mixed. Most responses said that a year is enough. She and Anntonia have been together for more than a year now, well at least if they count their first meeting as officially day 1. Which was like 2 weeks ago...

So maybe it's time and maybe it's not? 

But the events from last week with Pam made Michelle think about it constantly now. Being that far away from Anntonia that night made her realize a lot of things. Anntonia usually spent the weekends at Michelle's house already, anyway. What's another 5 days of the week, right?

One other thing that's been pressing in her mind was about what happened with Pam. She hasn't told Anntonia about it, which was eating her up inside, but she figured that Anntonia doesn't even know who Pam is for it to matter. Besides, she's already blocked Pam's number. She couldn't unfriend her in Instagram though because something even as small as that can be a big deal for the fans. She didn't want anyone to get wind of an issue that can make the news. 

"I can hear you thinking," Anntonia breaks her thoughts. They were on the bed, Anntonia was sitting up, leaning on the headboard, while Michelle was laying on the bed with her head on Anntonia's lap. Anntonia was engrossed in reading a book while Michelle was scrolling on her phone mindlessly.

"Hmm?" she puts her phone down and looks up at Anntonia, their eyes meet and Michelle, for a second, gets lost in them as she usually does.

"What's running inside that head of yours?" Anntonia asks as she ran her hands through Michelle's hair, gently massaging her scalp. 

If Michelle didn't have a pressing matter to deal with, she would have relished the feeling of Anntonia's continued ministrations and would have either fallen asleep or taken it a little further. But she needed to deal with the pressing issue before she completely chickens out. 

"What do you think of moving in here with me?" 

Anntonia's hands suddenly stop its gentle movements, and she places her book down. Michelle's heart skips a beat as she takes it as a bad sign. She holds her gaze though, not letting Anntonia know how that simple act has affected her immensely. 

"I have my own place," Anntonia simply says.

"I know," she acknowledges. 

"What do you want me to do with my condo?"

"Sell it?" she suggests in a form of a question, because she hasn't really thought about that aspect. 

"You want me to sell my condo," she says it flatly in a way that it was the most ridiculous thing anyone's ever said in the world. 

"Or rent it so it can pay for itself," she suggests.

Anntonia's eyes never left hers but Michelle wants to look away at this point. She knew what Anntonia's reaction and choice of words meant and Michelle wasn't sure if she can take the rejection. 

"I think it's too early for us to be talking about things like this."

Ouch was an understatement.

"Too early?" she couldn't help but echo with furrowed brows.

"It's only been a year, Michelle."

"Exactly! It's been a year!" she defends as she sits up and looks back at her. 

"Not even a year if you really think of it," Anntonia reminds her, as if Michelle hasn't considered that them meeting for the first time doesn't really count. Michelle bit her tongue, she wanted to reason out some more but she knows she doesn't have a change in winning an argument that she just blindly jumped into. 

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