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It's been a month since the Pam incident and their reunion, Michelle planned a trip for the two of them, but due to her hectic schedule, was only able to book a domestic travel. So here they were, at 9AM in the morning of their first day in Palawan in front of the beach. Well technically, it was their second day in Palawan, having arrived late yesterday night to just check in to the hotel and immediately go to sleep.

Michelle eyes Anntonia who was on the sun lounger next to hers soaking up the sun. Michelle was wearing sunglasses so no one can see where her eyes were directed at-- and where they were directed at was Anntonia's golden two-piece swimsuit and its barely even there cloth held by tiny strings.

Anntonia changed inside the bathroom earlier so Michelle didn't know what was underneath her oversized buttoned blue long-sleeved polo and white shorts she wore for breakfast until she removed it a few minutes ago before they laid down on their chosen loungers.  

"I can feel you staring," Anntonia suddenly speaks, even with her eyes closed, nothing can get past through her really.

"Please tell me you brought a one-piece suit with you," she almost begs.

"Did you?" Anntonia's perfectly trimmed right eyebrow rises.

"Yes," she nods.

"Well, I didn't," Anntonia shrugs, making Michelle groan.

"When I asked you if you had swimsuits, you said you might have something at home, this is your something at home?" she wants to get the extra towels they brought and put it on top of Anntonia, but she'll know the woman will just throw it out and away from her. "When did you even use this?"

"My family likes to frequent Phuket every chance we get."

"I would have let you borrow some of mine if you told me yours were all..." she eyes the said swimsuit again at a loss for words.

"I told you, your tops won't fit me, Michelle," Anntonia reminds her. 

Michelle looks down at her chest and sighs, it was true. Her bikini tops will likely be too small for Anntonnia. 

"Guys and girls are looking at you, baby, and I don't like it," she huffs.

"They're looking at you, too, Michelle," Anntonia says even though her eyes were still closed and taking up sunbathing so seriously that she' set up a timer on her phone so she can flip over and have her back tan equally as the front, according to her.

"Yeah, but they're looking because I'm a celebrity, you on the other hand, they're looking because... Good lord, woman, you're hot as hell."

"Well then you're a celebrity with a hot as hell girlfriend," Anntonia shrugs as if it was old news. "Let them look all they want, only you can touch."

Michelle frowns a little before diverting her attention out into the water, not without a brief glance towards some of the men and women whose eyes were directed at them... or more specifically at her girlfriend. She wasn't really like this, she's gone out to the beach with her friends numerous times before and they wore swimsuits like what Anntonia has on now, but somehow, she guesses it was different when it was her girlfriend in the receiving end of the stares and ogles.  

"I'm gonna go swim, you wanna?"

"I'm not finished tanning." 

"Fine," she huffs again as she she stands up, and with one last look at Anntonia, heads for the beach. Maybe a quick swim will help her cool down. 

She didn't know how long she was out in the water but when she comes back, a Caucasian guy was standing right in front of Anntonia's sun lounger seemingly trying to have a conversation with her. Trying because Anntonia looks like she was having none of it and has her eyes closed all the while that the guy was speaking.

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