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"For the hundredth time, I can walk," Anntonia protests from Michelle's arms as they go up the stairs.

"Yeah, but why walk when you can have your surprisingly strong girlfriend carry you up and down the stairs?"

"If we fall down and end up in the ER, they're gonna think we're stupid."

"That'll make the headlines for sure," she says. 

"Michelle Dee falls down the stairs with girlfriend. Hard." 

"You should edit that into Michelle Dee falls hard for girlfriend."

"Smooth," Anntonia comments, a lingering smile beneath her lips.

"Of course," she gives her a small wink that makes Anntonia giggle and then wince from the pain. "Sorry! Are you supposed to be still in pain? It's been almost 2 days since you've been discharged."

"I have my doctor's appointment day after tomorrow, we can ask him then. But the pain's tolerable for now, anyway."

Michelle didn't want to comment but it's likely just because Anntonia's been taking pain medications like candy. Miss 'I have a high pain tolerance' she really was not.

She places her down as soon as they reach the top of the stairs and she follows her inside the bedroom. "What do you want for lunch?"

"We just ate breakfast!"

"Just to let Ate know what to prep for."

"I'll eat whatever," Anntonia responds as she goes to sit on the bed, reaching for the book she was reading last night. Michelle watches Anntonia as a bright idea crosses her mind as she sits down beside her on the edge of the bed. 

"What about sinigang?" Michelle holds back a smile as she notices Anntonia's grip on her book tighten a little at the mention of her most secretly hated dish. "That's your fave, right?"

"Yeah." Anntonia lets out a small awkward laugh and looks at her with an equally awkward, obviously forced smile. "Yay, sinigang."

Tigas ulo padin ayaw umamin... pero ang cute.

"Hmm, don't feel like sinigang though, if that's okay with you," Michelle shrugs and smiles a little as Anntonia visibly relaxes at the mention of not having sinigang. "Maybe Jollibee?"

"Baby, if we eat more Jollibee we're gonna become a bubu-yog soon," Anntonia frowns.

"Did you hear that from Rhi?"

"Yeah," she nods, and with a straight face, flat pan facial expression makes a buzzing sound probably imitating a bee. "Bzzzzz, bzzzzz."

"Can you stop being so freakin' adorable, ugh, kagigil. Sarap mong kagatin," she leans forward, to place a playful bite on Anntonia's arm.

"Nooo!" Anntonia moves her arm away from Michelle, pushing her off playfully. "I have a doctor's appointment, enough of them seeing your bite marks, baby."

"Inggit lang sila," she says smugly before placing a kiss on Anntonia's arm instead before letting herself fall back into the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower, wanna join me?"

"I'm still in recovery, Michelle," Anntonia looks at her with a knowing look. 

"What a dirty mind you have, Miss Porsild," Michelle tuts. "I was merely talking about a shower."

"Since when did your showers ever be just a shower, Miss Dee?"

"There's always a first time for everything," she shrugs. "I promise I'll keep my hands to myself, except when helping you shampoo your hair, help you stay standing, and help scrub you down."

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