Mother's Love

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What could be placed higherThan the staggering love from a motherFor the love of a motherIs the first love we endure

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What could be placed higher
Than the staggering love from a mother
For the love of a mother
Is the first love we endure

But what do you do
How do you continue thriving
How do you go about surviving
When that love is gone

When that love seeps away into an endless void
Nothing left in its place
That gut-wrenching, agonizing fall from grace
When the love from a mother vanishes

For one of the most grueling losses to face
One of the most dreadful things to get over
Is not the loss of a lover
But it is suffering the tremendous loss of the love of a mother

Nothing could describe the loss
The indefinable feeling
That horrible sorrow that rips away all meaning
The feeling of losing your mother’s love

What sin…
What wrongdoing…
Could ever allow for this copious volume of grieving
Could ever allow for the loss of a mother’s love

How do you recover
How long does it take to move on
To forget the excruciating feeling of her being gone
To forget that someone monumental is missing from your life

Is it me?
Is it something I did?
Something to justify pain so vivid
As the loss of a mother’s love

Do you replace them?
Would that even work?
How long until the feeling comes back like clockwork?
Can you ever really get over the loss?

When the time finally comes
When you start to smile
When mention of her doesn’t leave a taste of bile
When life feels like it goes on

One day, you will finally feel complete
The pain will subside to the background
You will finally feel like you’re back on high ground
When you finally get over the loss of a mother’s love

A/N: If you can't tell, I have a couple of mommy issues

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