I Met Her

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I met herIt was a day the same as the day beforeNothing had changedExcept the way our seats were arranged

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I met her
It was a day the same as the day before
Nothing had changed
Except the way our seats were arranged

She sat across from me
And she was as pretty as anyone could ever be
I was captured by every word that she spoke
And i thought of the next morning when i woke

I talked about her
To everyone i could, including my teacher
I thought of her constantly
I had never wanted someone so badly

Then i told her
And she thought of me as much as i thought of her
I talked to her, thought of her, and spent as much time as i could with her
And then i fell in love with everything about her

A/N: I wrote this one for my gf, which was actually difficult for me, because I struggled so much to write a happy poem

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2024 ⏰

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