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If you could erase all the bad things Would you cast away that horrid memory that stings Would you keep them as lessons learned Or would you let them go forever
Which memories would you keep forever? Which would you cast away like a forgotten endeavor What would it change What would you lose
The heart-shattering memories you long to forget The life clock you wish to reset Would you keep the memories that were bad but led to good things Or would you forget them as well
What if forgetting those bad memories meant losing everything That day you were offered a ring The days your kids entered this world The day so many things fell apart
Would you keep the day you fell in love with the wrong person? Are you willing to also lose the birth of your first son What choice would you make If you could go back and erase it all
What if losing one bad day changed everything Would you be okay with losing everything Both the good and the bad The amazingly beautiful moments and the horrendously ugly ones
In the end, I hope you would choose to keep the memories Though I understand how difficult it would be to ignore your worries Just know that if you chose to forget, I would miss you dearly For I love you very much, and nothing could change that