Annie Love

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Annie Love is a girl like so many other girlsA girl at the age of tenEvery day, her mother styled her hair with curlsAnd she did all of her work with a pink glittery pen

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Annie Love is a girl like so many other girls
A girl at the age of ten
Every day, her mother styled her hair with curls
And she did all of her work with a pink glittery pen

Every day, she rode the bus to school
She did her work as told, just like every other student
She was kind to everyone, and never once cruel
Because Annie Love was prudent

She had a large group of friends
Which seemed to grow every day
She helped her mother around the house on weekends
And every night, she bowed her head to pray

Annie Love was a girl no different from other kids her age
She was sweet as can be
She rarely had fits of rage
And she lived every day just like you and me

Until the day when things changed
A day she began by making her bed
A day that was nearly unchanged
Until a mysterious man shot her dead

The school closed down
Before going back to normal
As if her mother wouldn’t spend the rest of her life with a frown
As if anything were normal at all

A/N: I don't know if any of y'all have ever read it, but this poem is loosely based on the poem, "Richard Corey"

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