Chapter 1: Where Is He?

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Ailyn POV:

My mother and I sat eating dinner in what I thought was silence. Calling out my name; I can feel the frustration laced in her voice. My eyes snapping to hers, taking a step back into reality.
"Yes mother?" Her hard expression softened, turned to worry. "Are you feeling alright darling? You haven't spoken a word nor have you touched your dinner since we sat."
She takes a sip of water looking over the rim of the glass.
Too be honest I don't feel okay, but she wouldn't understand. She'd just shut down my feelings, like always. So I stayed quiet; sitting down her glass, she pressed her lips together furrowing her brows. "Is there something wrong with the meal I made?"
"No mom, it looks great, guess I'm not too hungry. My apologies, what were you saying?" She gives me a prolonged look, our eyes meet in a battle, her steel gaze breaking me down. Just as I'm about to cave she leaves it be, and returns to eating her dinner.
"I was actually giving you the details of what our mission holds for tomorrow, but before we talk about that. I've noticed you've been quiet lately. Normally I wouldn't be able to get you to stop talking. Is there something bothering you?"

Pushing around my food using my Force abilities not having the resolve to meet her gaze. I was wondering when she would take notice of my absent mindness. I'm doing something she wouldn't approve of, and I don't know how to tell her I'm doing it. I'm sure she's taking note of how powerful I've become also, but she just hasn't mentioned it yet. Thanking the Ashla that she knows nothing of the Force.

"Ailyn." my name oozed through her teeth, searing my ears like acid.
She's scary.. I can feel her frustration with me. She's not angry but I sense her worry. I don't know how to explain to her what I feel or if I should. I tap my fingers on the table and my leg starts to slightly bounce.
Moms' temper is that of a Gorgara, I have about two seconds before she's charging in for the headbutt. Demanding an answer from me.
"I don't know m-mom, I just have a lot on my mind." I anxiously look elsewhere, squirming in my seat. "I.. I'm confused about things, I guess."

I shrug slightly, leaning back. "I don't know.. I feel something isn't right." I take a glance at her and she's listening intently. My leg bounces at a speed faster than what the Force can provide. Debating on my approach on how to ask about my father, whom I haven't seen in years. Sometimes I can hear him calling out to me through the Force, but it's clouded. I dream of my parents in terror and pain.. I don't sleep sometimes because of it, and it gets to me. Doing what my father has taught me, to calm my mind, hasn't helped. Without dad I don't have a master, and he never finished training me.
Opening and shutting my mouth, words alluding my brain. I see they are in pain, so how do you tell your mother that? Besides, she would think I was just being paranoid. "Another Jedi dream" as she would call them.
"I think I'm too distracted to go on this mission tomorrow.. Or any mission for a while.. M-maybe I should go with dad?" I stuttered, mumbling that last part, keeping my gaze focusing on my plate of untouched food.

"Absolutely not."
My head snaps towards her. "But mom—"
"No buts Ailyn I said no." I frown, standing to leave. Her stone expression flashed a second of bewilderment before being replaced with a frown. Sensing her anger rising I went to walk out of the kitchen to avoid an argument.
"Don't you walk away from me."
She abruptly stands from her seat causing it to be thrown aside. Jumping back, startled by the sudden movement.
"You won't tell me anything about where he is, and you won't let me go to him. How am I supposed to learn without anyone teaching me?"
fear flowed through my body as she stalked towards me, anger pouring off her, her eyes filled with tears. 
"Do I not try and teach you Ailyn?" Her voice cracks, I don't answer but she continues "oh I get it now.. because I don't have the Force, there's nothing I can teach you huh?" She's now standing in front of me, her arms crossed defensively.
"You've taught me well, that's not it at all. There are just things he can teach me that you can't, and I still have a lot to learn."
"Like what?"
"Like not falling to my death on these risky missions we've been put through. Using mind tricks so we are forgotten. What a fulcrum is. Do you know what a fulcrum is?"

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