Chapter 5: The Pink Lightsaber

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Ailyn POV:

Separating from mom and Lumpy continuing onward to the location I docked The BS Experience. Treading through the dark steamy forest, cautiously moving the leaves and branches that obstruct my path. Without my helmet I wouldn't be able to physically see anything. The trees block the moon's light. The ground is wet from the mourning rain as the fort sloshes under my boots. Hearing the wind carry the snarls and clicks of the spiders has me on full alert. I can sense how close they are, but I am calm.

As they lay in wait scattered across the 400 meter trees, hunting for their next victim. The thick strong webs spiraling in delicate patterns, waiting for the slightest vibration. It's slimy and sticky to the touch. If I'm hit with a web it will cause major trouble. The hold up of getting free from one of those webs is insane. I'm already pressed for time. I don't want to draw these things out until the last second.
Taking this time to clear my thoughts. Masking my presence through the Force, and creeping towards the ship. Being careful to not touch them and draw the creature out. I tread as quietly as the dense jungle would let. I'm at where it should be but I'm not seeing it.

What in the fark.. where did I put the damn thing?

I'm looking everywhere, but I'm careless as my  foot hooks on a vine and I stumble forward. My helmet clanged against a hard invisible metal breaking my fall.
"Ow!" Hugging what's obviously The BS; I have to take my helmet off the frequencies vibrating my brain.
The loud bang startling the bushes awake as they shake. Hearing the snarling coming from multiple directions.
"That's not good."
I spin around seeing the dark bluish spider with a red "W" shape on its butt. Its two giant legs on its side click synchronized with its fangs. The soulless beady eyes staring me down, with an aggressive low guttural sound. It rises up on its hind legs screeching at me, its poison saliva spewing out.
"Ugh.. you're an ugly thing, aren't you?" I recoil in disgust, igniting my saber, it whooshes up with a metallic sound emitting a dark purple glow.

I don't have time to kill a mass amount of these things, it's almost sunrise. I know how dangerous and relentless these spiders are, and I really don't want to become their breakfast.

I push the button to open the ships hatch on my gauntlet. It lets out a loud hiss which stirs the rest of them awake.

"Oh, well that's just great. Cheep, start the ship for me will ya? Not from the outside though, go inside. These things will not hesitate to rip you apart. "
"Wum wumm wummp?"
"Don'tworryaboutme, Cheep! Just do what I ask, please!"

He grumbles in return flying to the shuttle as I slowly back towards the entrance to cover him. Not wanting to make any sudden movements to alarm the spiders. He stops turning his dome to look at me, which makes me wave my hand for him to go. He hesitated a second before rolling inside. Just as I hear the engines start to fire the spiders start to appear all around, surrounding me in a full oval shape circle. Snarling and hissing as some crawl on top of the ship preparing to attack.
The biggest one coming front and center giving me another vicious hiss.
"Blast it, you guys aren't gonna make this easy on me are you?"
Swiveling my head, seeing the large group I'm dealing with, and it's a lot. At least 20-40 and all of them are huge.

Steadying my breathing, I calmly wait for the right moment. Closing my eyes, to help focus on building my strength. Opening my eyes again I get into the juyo stance I learnt from the holocron.

Well, at least I get to test out these new techniques. But I'm going to have to do it in a way that doesn't take up more time. This was supposed to be in and out kinda deal.

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