Chapter 4: A Mothers' Regrets

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Khaleen's (Cal-een) POV:

I watched my daughter truck through what's left of the forest. The density becomes fuller, the deeper we go. The untouched area being the only surviving vegetation through continuous war. The spiders may be the reason, if not for their ** The way her armor clanks with each step reminding me of the time we took Mandalore back from Maul with the help of the republic, and Ahsoka Tano.

Around that time I met Quinlan on Boz Pity, an arrogant fool as he was handsome, but his charm eventually won me over. He was persistent man, one of the many traits he passed on to our daughter. Quite mysterious with the tendency of being a bit dark at times, but anyone with eyes could see how bad he was hurting. His past haunted him like a ghost, which frightened me sometimes. It was through his will, and love for me that brought him one step closer to the sanity he so desperately craved.

The day before he left for Kashyyyk I had the urge to confess my love for him, making him promise to return to me. Then the Jedi Purge happened not long after, and I found out I was pregnant with Ailyn. Many rotations of searching, and not hearing anything back; I started to worry. Worry that he didn't survive, but eventually I received a transmission from him on our private channel.

Once he heard the news his persistence showed again as he wanted me to meet him on Kiffu to give birth to her there. After days of non-stop pestering I relented. I just had one request, and that was Ailyn would be given my last name. He accepted the terms agreeing that was the best way to keep her safe.

After giving birth she received the markings of her father; which worried me because it wouldn't take a genius to connect the dots.

Normally the people of Kiffu would take the markings of their mother, but because I'm Mandalorian she got her fathers. Even though I didn't think it was safe; I knew that was her birth right, and how much it meant to Quinlan. Just as handing down my armor means to me.

She's very proud of her both of her heritages, and as she got older it took some convincing for her to take my armor. Which is the only way to hide her from the Empire. Though she feels connected to both heritages; she understood it was necessary to hide her tattoo which I'm grateful for. Especially since she was undercover in the Imperial academy. Something I did not want her to do, but she enlisted anyways.

She's the most stubborn thing in this universe, but I couldn't imagine a life without her in it. Growing into such a beautiful strong young woman. Quinlan would be proud of her, just as I am. Even though I miss him dearly, I did what I deemed necessary to ensure Ailyns' safety. As I've done for all her life, but she isn't seeing it that way. Honestly I may have made a mistake that'll cost me my daughters love.

I do hope she gets over this resentment towards me. She has never been disrespectful like that before, and I fear our trust is hanging on by a thread. She hasn't said much to me since I told her Quinlan's gone. Which hurts, but I understand. I really hope she comes to terms with the loss of her father before doing something reckless.

Like father, like daughter, and that's what worries me.

"How much further?" I spoke, deciding to break the silence between us all. "Not much longer, the rendezvous is just up ahead. We're actually making great time." I nod as we continue to walk my legs feeling weak, the sweat building up in places I never thought possible.

My age shows as we continue to push forward with me falling behind a bit; having been walking for 2 hours straight. My daughter, noticing me lagging behind speaks, her angelic tone monetized by her helmet. "Do you need a break mother? We can rest if you're feeling tired." I wave her off speaking nonchalantly "If we're almost there then there's no need to stop now. I'm fine, let's just keep forward." She nods her head slightly, carrying on, but at a slower pace. Even though she's upset with me I find comfort in her concern.

After a short while she stops turning to Lumpy and I "ok this is where you guys will wait. Unless you want to get snatched up by one of those creatures. They're a bit crafty and it'll be faster if I go at it alone. It shouldn't take me long but just in case it does stay hidden. We don't want to be caught off guard, and I have a feeling the person who attacked us is the force user I've been dreaming of."

This is news to me. What force user?

"Force user?" I question but she ignores me.

"We should have at least a couple hours on them, but be prepared just in case."
"Mother please. There's no time to explain that right now. Just wait here, I'll be back."

I nodded reluctantly, and she turns walking towards the ship's location.
"Ailyn." I called out to her, making her sigh, and turned around "may the force be with you." She nodded and disappeared deeper into the forest. I take this time to rest slumping down the closest tree, taking a sip from my canteen. Lumpy watching me intently, I hold out the canteen to him offering him a drink of water.

"Are you thirsty?"

He graciously takes it, giving me a thanks. Happy Quinlan taught me the basics of the Shyriiwook language. I give him a smile and he takes a seat next to me. Handing me back the canteen and staring to where Ailyn disappeared to.

"It'll be fine, she'll be back soon."
"Rrruuurrr" he voices his concerns.
"We're ok, Lump. She's just having a hard time right now, but I'm sure she'll bounce back."
"Rrruurrr rrru"
I'm quiet pondering his words carefully. How do I know? I mean I really don't and I can't say I'm a hundred percent sure that she'll bounce back to her old self. Since Quinlan got captured it's been hard controlling her impulses, frustration, and anger. He was the one that handled that, but now I'm regretting not learning more about it when I had the chance. I thought the basics would be enough, but I never would've thought she would be this intense. There are two sides to her; the fun loving joking side, and then there's the darker side. Where she's angrier, less compassionate, and she'll kill a stormtrooper in the most gruesome way. My heart skips and skyrockets because I know those aren't the teachings from Quinlan. He was dark at times, but not as dark as Ailyn can get now. So I'm left wondering where did she learn it from.

"Well I trust in the Force. That's how I know."

My delayed reply probably doesn't sound too sure, but Lumpy doesn't question it. I can't help but feel I failed Ailyn, and as a result she'll suffer the consequences of my selfish actions.
Laying my head on his arm, I pray to the Ashla for her to return safely.

So short chapter, but an important one. Tell me what you think of Khaleen?

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