Chapter 2: The Vision

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Ailyn POV:

I toss and turn hearing my mother's voice calling out to me. She sounds.. distant like she's in another room. I hear the pews of blaster fire making my heart beat through my chest, threatening to jump out.

This feeling.. this feeling is so intensely dark it feels as though I'll be swallowed whole by it. There's no solicitude in this feeling, it's so sinisterly cold.. but despite the evilness, there's a feeling of desperateness and unknowning.

Squeezing my eyes tight and focusing, I push to see clearly. There's a woman with dull emerald green eyes. Beautiful fire hair that sways like flames from camp. Her pale freckled skin contrasting my own; but who is she? She was attacking my friends and other rebels, an eerie screech I can't quite explain.

The piles of bodies.. StormTroopers.. and resistance alike
"Ailyn HELP ME!!" I hear the desperation of my mother calling out to me. Beads of sweat forming on my forehead rushing my movements as I try to make haste and push through. Seeing the destruction and a pain that ran deep in my chest.

The fear latched on to me like sticky bombs. It's almost unbearable but I continued on anyways, wanting to know how this ends.
Suddenly the mystery lady appeared inches away from hitting me with her pink-hued saber.

I jerked awake, my eyes scanning my surroundings as I struggled to catch my breath.
I fell on the floor?
Sitting up I reflected on what I saw in my dream. What was heard, the fighting and chaos, my mother calling out to me seemingly in pain.
It felt so real, but I can't make sense of what I saw.
An imperial force user? An Inquisitor maybe?

No, no she felt too strong to be one of those useless sleemos. The way she looked wasn't like any inquisitor too, but that feeling. The hatred, the fear, with a still coldness like,Vader. Just a different type of cold, it felt.. concrete.

Crossing my leg I began to meditate on what I was shown. Seeing the face of the mesmerizing fire headed beauty, her eyes are like a jungle full of healthy vegetation. She was slashing down everything in sight with her lightsaber, no remorse or mercy. There was no emotion held in her eyes, and she slaughtered everyone like animals without hesitation. Even for a feeling so sinister, I couldn't help but take notice that she's attractive. I opened my eyes, can't shake the terrible feeling that lies within me.

"Something very bad is about to happen.." I sighed, going to stand; but falling to my knees instead.
Squeezing my eyes shut, my brain feels like it's being ripped apart from the inside. I open my eyes to see blue dots spotting in my vision. Commanding my legs to move but they might as well be welded to the ground. When I gain a some mobility I clutch my pounding head. Stumbling around, my poor vision and lack of movement looking as if I'm a drunk. Catching myself on my shelf I manage to knock over everything that was placed on it. Hearing the items crash with a loud clinging and a thud.

My senses are all jumbled, ears ringing, my vision; blurred. I'm unable to think clearly with my brain pounding like a dying heart. The tightening feeling in my chest that was caving due to my constricted breathing. My fists shut tight along with my eyes as my whole body starts to aggressively shake.
After a few minutes it passed, and I let out a sigh of relief. Still feeling the pulse of the headache.

Holding my pounding head I stand up as straight as I could, and slowly pick up my items that fell.
Grabbing my helmet, holster belt, stopping when the holocron I "found" started glowing a dark hue of red.
If mom knew I had this I'd never hear the end of it, but since my lessons stopped with dad..
Shaking away my guilty thoughts I picked it up, the red glow illuminated the dark room as I held  it out in front of me.
Using a darker side of the Force to open the holocron, feeling the pulse sensation brought me comfort.

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