Chapter 3: They're Here!

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Ailyn POV:

" I'm ready." I bluntly speak as I joined mom in packing our necessities.
She exhales the breath in a tired manner.
"I know you feel a bit hurt, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm here, we can get through this. Together."

Ignoring her, I continue to prepare for our leave.
"Ailyn please—" our movements halt when there was a knock at the door. Glancing at each other then back at the door. "You expecting someone?" She asked and I shake my head. Again, there was another knock; this time much more aggressive and hurried.

I removed my helmet, pulling out my blaster. Placing my ear to the solid door hearing grunts and howls. Smiling I put my helmet back on, opening to reveal a hysterical Lumpawaroo. He's a Wookie I made friends with when I came from Mandalore all those years ago.

My father and the Wookies have a friendly relationship dating way back to the clone wars; over 30 years ago. So it wasn't hard making friends as we are always welcomed by them, and well hidden. But because we've been helping Han Solo, and Lumpys' dad Chewbacca with relief. They've been much more ruthless in their efforts on finding out who we are. Kashyyk has always been an imperial planet, but dad was always the best at avoiding detection.

After Lumpy and his crew went missing on a mission gone weary, Chewy wanted dad and I to check out. Seeing as we are good trackers, our trail led to the Kessa system. We found out that the crew was being force to work as slaves on a mining field in Kessel.
We liberated them, and in the process destroyed the mines to aid our escape. Father trusting me to get myself out, led to me finding my awesome ship The BS Experience.
I put some work in it, and she's my pride and joy. I was 15 and I'm now 21 so over half a decade worth of work.

I've added so many things to it. Even though it's bulky, I upgraded the ion engine to give it a little boost. It's stealthy because of the cloaking device I installed, along with transmitter jammers, a tracking system I "found", and connected to the Imperial network. My hard work will finally pay off once I find a class 1 hyperdrive. It'll make the torpedo cannons, and shield deflectors much stronger, and The BS Experience will be virtually untouchable.

Wailing and flapping his arms, his rushed panic grunts makes it hard for me to understand him.
"Lump, slow down buddy, I can barely understand you as is." I pat his arm, stifling my laughter as I drag him inside, closing the door. "Now, SLOWLY explain to me what's got you so riled up, man?"

Upon hearing my calming voice. He nods his head, "ruurruu ruuru" I listened intently, but my shyriiwook is pretty broken. All I got from it was Empire is here, storming, and gotta go. I feel moms panic rise, glancing at her I take notice of her the terror in her eyes. She listens as he speaks hurriedly, and gives me a brief look.  "He's saying the Empire is here. That they are storming house to house, they're looking for something.."
"RUUURUUU!" Lumpy roared in a panic.
"NO! They're looking for someone.. A.. Jedi..?" Mom trips on her words and looks to Lumpy for confirmation. To which he nods his head with a quiet "ruur", my mother knitting her eyebrows in concentration.

"They're looking for a jedi?" she questions again, staring at me with concern taking over her features.
"We should go" I say turning to address Lumpy "Lump, can you stall them while mom and I get to the ship?"
"Ruuruuu ruuuruu!" he grunts, wailing his arms around in a frantic manner. I sigh, slapping my helmet where my forehead would be "I don't know, Lump, improvise?" I shrugged "..please if the Empire finds out who I am.. I.. I'm.. I.." He puts his hand on my shoulder and nods his head "rrrurr."

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