Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Part 0.1

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(I'm writing this after the Chamber of Secrets Part 6 has come out, so it's been muddled round with. I couldn't be bothered changing every single part 1 forward, so I made this part 0.1)

The scene showed the Black family home, where Andromeda was leaning against the door frame watching Bellatrix pack frantically. "Bella, what are you doing?" she asked, but her sister didn't look at her.

"Are you lacking eyes, Andie? I am clearly packing for my escape from this dreadful horrible torturous place," Bellatrix threw her clothes into the bag.

"Oh, it's this day," Bellatrix smirked from the back of the hall. Andromeda and Nymphadora giggled from either side of her, while Ted just smiled.

"Bella? Is that you? What are you doing here?" Narcissa frowned. Bellatrix Black had vanished from everywhere a few decades ago, leaving no traces of her life behind.

Bellatrix's smirk grew. "Watching my daughter's life, obviously," she rolled her eyes. Hermione pressed her lips together and turned away from Bellatrix.

"You have a daughter?" Cassiopeia Lestrange glowered at her twin.

"Shush shush, there's a movie playing," Bellatrix waved a hand, shutting her sister up.

Andromeda frowned and walked into the room. "I thought you liked it here, the whole 'muggles are evil' and the 'dark lord bullshit.' You and Cass and Cissy are the epitome of pureblood supremacy," she stated, confused.

Bellatrix dumped her books into the bag. "Well you're wrong. I just didn't feel like fighting it. But I am seventeen, and I am of age now. They can't control me anymore," Bellatrix tore down her Slytherin posters and flicked her wrist, making the paper burst into flames.

Narcissa looked at her oldest sister, who was watching the screen emotionless. Bellatrix never seemed like she was trapped. She was always confident and passionate and supported everything their parents did. But it was obvious now. She was biding her time.

Andromeda sat down on the bed. "Where will you go?" she whispered.

Bellatrix sighed. "I will go to William. We've already set everything up. The three of us will be fine," she swallowed.

Andromeda looked startled. "Three of us? Bella, I -"

"Not you, Andie. Me, William and Mycroft, or Enola. Not sure yet," Bella turned to her sister, a hand on her stomach.

"Enola?" Hermione frowned, faking confusion. Sherlock sent her a look that said are you serious? and the Nott twins smirked.

Andromeda's eyes widened. "You're pregnant?" she gaped, standing up slowly. Bellatrix nodded. "I'm gonna be an aunt? How long?"

Bellatrix spun away and went back to packing. "I'm only a few months in. But if mother and father knew, they would try and wipe any trace of his or her existence away," she sighed.

Andromeda seemed confused. "Why?"

Bellatrix swallowed. "William is a muggle. By having a child with him, I have tainted the bloodline. No more Sacred 28. If word got out, who knows. I have to protect our child. I shall disappear. Become that truly unlikely thing," Bellatrix donned a fancy hat.

"Oh dear god," Marlene laughed.

Andromeda laughed. "You are certainly something. I am not going to try to figure out every piece of the complicated puzzle that is Bellatrix Black," she hugged her older sister tightly.

"Well how else can I keep you on your toes," Bellatrix grinned.

Andromeda scribbled down an address on a piece of parchment, and handed it to Bellatrix. "Write to me, will you? Us blood traitor sisters have to stick together. Do it the muggle way, that way our family won't find out. And let me know when he - or she- 's about to pop out. I want to be there. And if I'm not there, I'll kill you very painfully."

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