Part 15 of the Chamber of Secrets

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The screen changed to show Maliana lying in a bed. She was still wearing her uniform, lying under the covers. The room was massive, with a huge desk, walk-in-wardrobe, Queen-sized bed, and a wall of shelves stuffed with books. The rest of the walls were a deep green, the room being wood and green-themed.

"I love your room," Marlene said.

"You're a Gryffindor."

"So what? I can still like the colour green," Marlene rolled her eyes.

Narcissa was leaning over her daughter, an empty vial in her hand, while Draco watched from the doorway. He was no longer wearing his uniform, dressed in crisp emerald and white robes.

A couple of girls giggled, and Maliana

Maliana groaned, blinking awake. "Mother?" she panted. Narcissa relaxed, and Draco looked visibly relieved.

"They still care," Halley squeezed her friend's hand. Maliana nodded. She missed these times when Draco worried over her safety and her mother cared about her a lot more. It was never Lucius. He never saw her as more than an object to trade away for marriage.

"Wha-what happened?" Maliana tried to push herself up and groaned from the effort. "Why am I here?"

Draco sat down on the end of the bed. "You were petrified, like the cat," he told her. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Do you even know Norris's name?" Maliana asked.

Maliana shook her head. "I-I was coming to see you. They thought you were the heir."

Draco scowled. "Of course they did."

"You don't seem surprised," Ron frowned.

Draco scoffed. "Of course not."

"Draco," Narcissa gave him a sharp look, and the boy deflated.

"I'll go tell Father you're awake," he said quietly. He got up, went to leave, then returned and hugged his sister before walking out.

Draco cast a look over at his sister, who was doing the same. I'm Sorry, Draco mouthed, and Maliana nodded.

Narcissa smiled. "How are you feeling?" she asked her daughter, who shuddered.

"Weird. Weak," she closed her eyes. "Do you know who else got petrified? Or . . . anything?"

Narcissa sat next to her daughter on the large bed. "A first-year Gryffindor Colin Creevey, Hufflepuff in your year, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Sir Nicholas, a Ravenclaw sixth year Penelope Clearwater, and your roommate Hermione Granger."

Maliana looked horrified, her hand shaking. "Hermione ..." she whispered.

Hermione wrapped an arm around her. "We're okay."

Narcissa wrapped an arm around her Maliana and pulled her closer. "I'm sorry. A lot of families are pulling their kids out. The Goyles, Crabbes, Parkinsons, Abbotts, Bones', Notts, as well as several others."

"Sacred 28 families, mostly. A lot of kids had no magical place to go," Halley shook her head.

Maliana drummed her fingers on the sheet, seeming lost in thought. Narcissa cleared her throat. "Your friend Hermione, what do you know about her family?"

Hermione laughed. "Oh my Morgana, your mother investigated me?" she cackled

"More than that, she came to see me," Andromeda said.

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