Part 19 of the Chamber of Secrets (kinda)

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So I had this chapter 100% done and was doing a double update. Updated the last chapter, went to click on this tab and . . .
deleted it

So I had to go back on and work off 75% done. The last few bits are obviously rushed because I wanted to do a double update and here we are. Like 5 hours later because then my dog got anxiety and I had to be a therapist.

The screen changed to show a woman with long curly brown hair braided into a waist-length plait standing behind a kitchen counter rolling balls of cookie dough onto a tray.

"Andy!" Bella grinned at her favourite sister

Nymphadora was standing against navy blue cupboards. "I can help if you want it," the girl said.

Ted, Andy, Bella, Edith, and pretty much anyone who'd ever met Tonks, shook their heads

The woman laughed, her grey eyes flicking up to look at her daughter. "Dora, you would break everything and make probably burn all the cookies," she told her.

"fair but mean," Tonks pouted

Nymphadora scoffed as the doorbell rang. "Would you mind getting that?" Andromeda asked, and the girl walked through the hallways.

Andromeda continued rolling the balls of dough, glancing up again after half a minute. Muffled conversation could be heard as the woman washed her hands and headed over.

"Cissa?" Bella guessed, to nods

"... she won't want to see you ..."

"-Please, it's a family matter-"

"-I'm sorry, she won't-"

"So definitely someone of House Black," sirius nodded

Andromeda frowned and started down the hallway, but the camera stayed in the kitchen, zooming in on a wall of photographs. The one in the center was of a younger Nymphadora Tonks standing holding her graduation certificate next to a younger, eleven-year-old girl with a messy bun of brown hair on the top of her head, holding her Hogwarts letter.

The screen shifted to show Nymphadora at the front door, Andromeda approaching from behind. The blood drained from her face when she saw the visitor.

"Cissa," Andromeda whispered.

Any pureblood family knew what had happened, and watched in interest

Narcissa was standing in the doorway in a black dress with white stars plotted all over it. "Andy," she greeted quietly.

"I remember that dress!" Bellatrix shook her head.

Andromeda closed her eyes. "What are you doing here Lady Malfoy?" she asked.

Hermione coughed to hide her laughter. Lady Malfoy, less than sister. Total burn.

Narcissa recoiled, obvious pain on her face. "I'm sorry," she looked down.

Andromeda blinked, glancing over the dress. "1974," the corners of her mouth tilted upwards.

"So you refitted and wore my dress as an olive branch?" Bella deducted.

"Olive branch?"


"Right, yeah," Narcissa nodded

Narcissa shrugged. "I thought you would like it," she smiled. "Last dress Bella wore to a ball with us."

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