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It was the last day of summer holidays. Nobita, as usual, was taking a nap in his room. Meanwhile Doraemon, was reading a comic book peacefully in the corner.

The weather was really hot, and the sound of crickets could be heard from far away.

"Nobita, could you get me groceries from the market please! Come downstairs quickly!"
Nobita's mom called out.

Doraemon crawled over to Nobita.

"Hey, hey! Nobita, wake up. Don't you hear mom calling you? She wants you to bring groceries!"
Doraemon tried shaking Nobita in order to wake him up.

"Uhh... Doraemon, can you please go get the groceries instead of me, I'm sleeping!"
Mumbled Nobita.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean? I'm not going anywhere. Mom asked you to get the groceries, not me! Now go downstairs and stop sleeping!"
Replied Doraemon.

"Nobita, what's taking you so long to get down?"
Asked Nobita's mom as she made her way to his room.

As Nobita heard the loud footsteps approaching, he jumped up with fear as she slid the door open.

"What did I tell you, Nobita! Come on now, I need you to get some stuff from the market, hurry up."
She said as she handed him a list and a bag, with some money.

Nobita wore his shoes and went out.

"Ugh! Can't mom just go get the groceries herself! I was having a good sleep..."
He said to himself as he walked to the market.

On his way, he saw his one and only, Shizuka.

Shizuka!? Thank you, God! Today is an amazing day!!!
Nobita thought as he walked faster in order to keep up with her.

"Hey, Shizuka!!!"
He called out.

"Ah! Nobita, how are you?"
She asked.

"All good! What about you?"
Asked Nobita.

"Yeah, Everything's going great... I'm just going to my piano classes.
Where are you headed to?"
She asked.

"Oh, me? I'm just going to the market to get some groceries."
He replied.

"I see. Well then, see you later Nobita!"
Shizuka walked away.

"See you later!"
He waved at her.


Once he reached the market, he quickly got the groceries.

After he was done, he finally decided to walk back home.

"Phew! Finally I'm done with this, now I can go to my room and sleep peacefully!"
Nobita said to himself.


"This one, please."

"That'll be ¥1,355."


"Thank you! Don't forget to come next time!"

Dekisugi walked out of the book shop with a book in his hand.
That's when he saw Nobita.

"Nobita! Hey!"
He called out to him.

Nobita turned back to find the one and only, Hidetoshi Dekisugi. The boy, who aced in every single thing. Be it sports, studies, looks, intelligence and even cooking.

He was far better than Nobita.
Which made him feel inferior around Dekisugi.

But even though Nobita was terrible in every single thing, Dekisugi never felt superior. He always saw him as a good friend and appreciated his flaws.

"Hey, Dekisugi!"
Nobita smiled.

Dekisugi ran over to Nobita, joining him in his walk back home.

"What were you doing?"
He asked.

"Me? I was just getting some stuff from the market."
Nobita replied.

"I see."

"What about you?"
Asked Nobita.

"Oh, I just walked out of the book store. They have this really amazing book there and I wanted to get it!"
Replied Dekisugi.

"Really? Is it a comic book? Let me see!"
Nobita said with an excited look.

"What? No, it's not a comic."
Dekisugi laughed.

"Huh? Then what is it?

"It's a book about human evolution, And I was really engrossed in it!"
Dekisugi told him.

"That's just... Straight up boring!"
Replied Nobita.

Dekisugi laughed at his response.

They both walked in silence. It was getting quite awkward. Since both didn't interact much in school and since they were polar opposites, they didn't have any topic to bring up and talk about, so they just kept walking.

This is surely awkward...
Thought Nobita.

Everything got so silent suddenly...
Thought Dekisugi.

"Muku! Wait!"
Gian shouted at his pet dog that was running very fast at the direction of Nobita and Dekisugi.

They hadn't realised it yet.

"Nobita, Dekisugi, get out of the way!"
Gian shouted out, which grabbed their attention.

It was too late though, Muku was too close.
Dekisugi quickly pulled Nobita towards him.

As Muku ran, Gian ran after him.

"Wait Muku!"
He shouted.

Nobita and Dekisugi were in an awkward position, as it looked like they were hugging.

Nobita quickly pulled away, with a slight blush across his face.

"You scared me..."
He said.

"I'm sorry!"
Replied Dekisugi with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Nobita."
He said as he walked away.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow..."
Nobita replied as he quickly made his way to his home.

Why did my heart race there?
Thought Nobita.

"I'm home!"
He said as he walked in.

"Welcome back, did you get the groceries?"
Asked his mom.

"Yeah, here."
Nobita handed over the bag to his mother and walked upstairs, to his room.

"Welcome back Nobita!"
Doraemon said.

Nobita responded, he looked quite flustered.

"Did something happen Nobita, what's with your face?"
Asked Doraemon.

"Huh? No, it's nothing. I just... Uh... I'm just sleepy, I guess..."
Replied Nobita as he shook his head.

"Finally! Now I can sleep in peace..."
He said as he slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

That was quick...
Thought Doraemon.

"Well, anyways!"
Doraemon continued to read his comic book.


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