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As Nobita went home, after finally having all his feelings opened up to the person he loved so much, he directly went to sleep, dreaming about... Well, it's obvious now.

Nobita looks so happy...
Doraemon thought.

"I'm back!"
Dekisugi said, as he ran to his room.

"Welcome home!"
His mother looked at him run upstairs.


What's with his excitement?
She thought.


It was time for dinner soon.

"Nobita, do you need more rice?"
His mother asked.

"Yes please!!!"
Nobita said, smiling widely.

"You look so happy, did anything nice happen?"
She asked.

"Hm... Well, yes."
Nobita said, all carried away by the thoughts of meeting Dekisugi on the upcoming Sunday.

"And? What happened?"
She asked.

"Oh- Uh... Um.. th-the teacher just praised me... Nothing else, really... Hehe!"
Nobita said, which was obviously,
a lie.

"Wow! That's amazing, Nobita!!! Here, have some more, as much as you need!!! My lovely son!"
She rejoiced.

Something tells me that's a lie... I wonder what Nobita's hiding.
Doraemon thought.

"More rice, please!!!"

"Sure, here!"


As Doraemon and Nobita walk upstairs to their room, Doraemon looks over at Nobita.

"Hey Nobita..."

"Yeah?" Nobita asked.

"I feel like you're hiding something... Well, leave it be. I was thinking of asking dad to take us outside on Sunday... What do you say?"

Nobita stuttered.

"Yeah, it's boring at home... Maybe go out for movies or just... Somewhere, you know."
Doraemon said.

"I'm sorry, Doraemon... I'm just, a little busy this Sunday..."
Nobita said.

"Busy? How on earth are YOU busy on a Sunday?"
Doraemon teased.

Nobita laughed.

"Really, I've got plans..."
He assured Doraemon.

"Hm... And what are those plans?"
Doraemon asked.

"...I'm going to the bookstore, with..."
Nobita paused.

"Yeah? With?"


So this is true... Nobita and Dekisugi really have something going on. I'll have to inform Dorami. I'm so sorry, Nobita, but I'll need to follow you...
Doraemon thought.

It was the next morning.

Nobita was off to school. The sky looked brighter than usual, the sunlight and the trees looked prettier too. He noticed the mountain near the school look a lot bigger and better! He just felt like floating on a cloud.
He hummed a song as he made his way to his school. Yet, he did not find any classmates on the way.
He walked into his classroom, expecting Dekisugi to be there, waiting for him since, he was an early bird.
But to his surprise, Dekisugi wasn't there.

Is he late today...?
Nobita thought.

But as time passed, Dekisugi didn't arrive. His absence, caused Nobita's heart to sink.

What happened to him...?
Nobita wondered. He looked out of the window, spacing out to another world.

"Nobita! Stop daydreaming in class! I thought you improved, Dekisugi was a good influence on you, yet, since he's not here, you're turning back to your old self! Control yourself!"

"Y-Yes teacher... I'm sorry."


Nobita couldn't concentrate properly without Dekisugi. Once the bell rang, he quickly packed his bag and made his way to his home.

"I'm home!"
Nobita said as he quickly kept his bag upstairs and ran downstairs to the telephone.

He dialled Dekisugi's number, waiting for him to pick up the call. But, to his surprise... He didn't.

"What's wrong..." Nobita wondered.

His eyebrows narrowed, making his way outside the house.

"Where are you going, Nobita?"
His mother asked.

"Outside to play."
Nobita said as he walked out of the front door.

She sighed. She knew he was more serious in his studies now, so she didn't interrupt him on anything.

"Take care." She said, walking to the kitchen.

Nobita hurried to Dekisugi's house.

"I really hope he's okay..."
Nobita said in a worried voice.

Dekisugi was in his home, sleeping. Turned out, he was sick.

The door bell rang, and Dekisugi walked to answer the door in his weak state.

Dekisugi's eyes widened as he looked at Nobita standing there.


"You okay?"
Nobita asked, a soft blush spread on his cheeks.

"A-Ah! I'm... Fine, actually... You know, yesterday, I was soaked... By the rain so I caught a cold... You aren't sick?"
Dekisugi questioned, as both of them were drenched together.

"Me? I'm fine... Do you get sick this easily?"
Nobita asked.

Dekisugi sneezed, his face turning red.

"Mhm... I guess. Why don't you come in...?"

The two walked upstairs to Dekisugi's room.

"I called you, yet you didn't pick up, so I thought something might've gone wrong... I'm glad you're okay..."
Nobita said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Nobita... Actually, I was sleeping and my mother's shopping for groceries. Which is why I'm home alone... She'll be back after an hour or so... I guess."
Dekisugi replied.

"You don't have to apologise..."
Nobita sighed.

Dekisugi stared into blank space, taking a deep breath.

"Sorry I couldn't come to school. I really missed you though..."
He said, almost mumbling the last part.

Nobita blushed at the statement but smiled eventually. He rested his hand on Dekisugi's shoulder, kissing his cheek.

"I missed you too, it was difficult for me to focus without you..."
He paused.

"But hey, look at what you've done to me..."
He said, blushing softly.

Dekisugi's face turned bright red. Nobody had ever got him this flustered.

"I-I am glad!"
He said, trying to hide his inner feelings, though his heart was pounding like crazy.

Nobita stood up, looking down at Dekisugi.

"Take care, okay?"
He said, walking towards the door.
He looked back one last time, whispering,

"I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow... At the book store."
He smiled and left, leaving the flustered Dekisugi behind.


Eyyy guys, I know I said this'll be the final chapter, but I want their bookstore date to be a whole new big chapter as the 'End' so yeah, eat this up for now...

Love you~💖

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