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It was the next morning.

On his way to school, Nobita met Dekisugi who was looking completely restless.

"Hey! Dekisugi... You okay?"
Nobita asked as he walked over to him.

"Ah- Nobita! Good morning!"
Dekisugi smiled at him.

"Good morning... You look kinda off, is everything alright?"
Nobita asked.

"Yeah... It's just I'm nervous to tell that Sayori that I don't like her."
Dekisugi replied.

"I see... I'll go with you. We'll go see her at lunch if you want."
Nobita said.

"What? Really, Nobita? You're so nice!!! Thank you so much!"

Nobita blushed a little as he looked away.

The two walked to school.

Upon reaching their classroom, Shizuka walked over to them.

"Thank you for your book, Dekisugi!"
She said as she handed him the book she borrowed the previous day.

"No problem!"
Dekisugi said.


At lunch(because idk what they did in class):

"Nobita... Where could she possibly be?"
Dekisugi asked, puzzled.

"Hmm... Her class is next to ours, so she'll definitely be near the corridors, let's check."
Nobita said.

The two walk out of their classroom to find her talking to her friends near the corridor.

Dekisugi looked at Nobita nervously.

"You can do it!"
Nobita said, all cheerful.

Dekisugi nodded gently.

He walked over to her.
"U-Umm... Excuse me."
He said.

"Uwaah!!! It's him, it's actually him!!!"
She couldn't hide her feelings and ended up squealing with happiness.

"Uh... I just wanted to say that... I..."
Dekisugi stuttered.

She asked, excitedly.

"I don't feel the same way about you... I am very very sorry! Please forgive me if I was rude."
Dekisugi bowed down in front of her.

Her heart shattered into pieces.

"A-Ah it's fine! You don't have to apologise..."
She said.

"Are you sure?"
He asked.

"Yeah... I'm sure. I actually didn't even have any feelings for you, it was a dare actually."
She said.

Nobita replied.

"What did you say?"
She asked.

"I said liar, I guess you're deaf too, huh?"
Nobita asked, something just made him very mad.

"Nobita... That's rude."
Dekisugi said.

Nobita looked away.

"I'm extremely sorry for his ill behaviour, please forgive us."
He said.

"No no, it's alright."

The bell rang and the two went back to their classroom.

"Thank you for today, Nobita!"
Dekisugi smiled at him.

Nobita's face turned completely red.

Why does Dekisugi have to be so...nice. This makes me want to tell him how much I love him all the time... Should I really? What would he say...?
Nobita was lost in his thoughts.

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