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After class, it was finally time for everyone to pack their bags and go home.

As promised, Dekisugi and Nobita were going to walk back together.

As they walk out of their classroom together, they head downstairs.

That's where they find Gian and Suneo.

They both glared at Nobita.
Nobita flinched a little and hid behind Dekisugi.

"Look at him, Gian. He's become friends with Dekisugi now. I'm pretty sure Dekisugi must've helped him cheat on the test!"
Suneo said.

"Don't make false accusations! Nobita has got good marks not because he cheated, but because he has been studying hard! No matter how strong my bond is with anyone, I'm not the kind to help others cheat."
Dekisugi replied with the slightest of anger.

Nobita looked at him.

Dekisugi looked back at Nobita and smiled gently.

He turned to them once again.

"You should be encouraging Nobita since he's got good marks, I don't understand why you guys are always after him. And now you're envious of his achievements."

Suneo and Gian kept quiet. They did have a lot to say but, at the moment, they couldn't utter one word.

"Let's go Nobita!"
Dekisugi held Nobita's hand and walked out, dragging him.

"U-Uh Dekisugi... Wait!"
Nobita followed.


Nobita and Dekisugi walk silently, listening to each other's footsteps.

No one had spoken single word after what happened before.

"U-Umm... Dekisugi, you're very..."
Nobita broke the silence.

Nobita paused abruptly.

Asked Dekisugi, looking over to Nobita.

Nobita said, looking at his feet.

"How come?"
Asked Dekisugi as he looked at the sky.

"Y'know, how you spoke to Gian and Suneo back there... It was very brave of you. And the fact that you stood up for..."
Nobita paused.

He looked at Dekisugi and smiled gratefully.

"Why wouldn't I stand up for you? They were the ones at fault anyways! All they know is to bully you and make you feel bad."
Dekisugi said.

"...And I don't want that to happen, I don't want you to be sad."
He added.

Nobita looked at him, his eyes shining bright.

"Thank you so much! No one has ever made me feel so... happy, apart from Doraemon, ofcourse!"
Nobita said.

Dekisugi looked at Nobita and smiled softly.

"I'm glad I'm the reason for your happiness."
He blushed a little as he looked the other way.

"I've always admired you Nobita, you're somehow... one of the sweetest people I've ever met so far."
Dekisugi said.

Nobita was flustered, but he brushed it off.

"Meh! You're just making all this up, the way you describe me... I'm not like that at all!"
Nobita laughed.

"No... I'm not making it up Nobita. You really are so sweet, I genuinely feel that you're one of the best people in class. With you around, I feel happier. I know you'd never realise that... But, it is true."

Nobita gasped softly as he turned all red.

"And you're so nice that sometimes it makes me envious!"
Dekisugi said jokingly.

"You're also very-"
Dekisugi didn't get to complete, Nobita hugged him tight.

"Uh... Nobita?"
Dekisugi put his arms around Nobita gently.

"Dekisugi... You know, sometimes whatever you say is just so nice that I don't even feel like you're saying the truth anymore.
But if you are saying the truth, you make the happiest person ever, you know! I've... Never felt this way before but let me be honest now."
Nobita let go of Dekisugi.


Dekisugi looked at Nobita, eagerly wanting to hear what he had to say.

Should I tell him? I've never met anyone like this guy before. He's just so... so... likeable! Everyone likes him... He's good at everything.
What would he think once I say that I love him?
No, no, no. What was I even thinking!?
I would make a fool of myself!!! Ugh, I'm so stupid.
Nobita shook his head to get rid of his thoughts.



"You were about to say something?"

"Yes... It's that I really admire you Dekisugi."
Nobita said, trying to hide the fact that he was going to say I love you.

Dekisugi gasped softly as he blushed a little more. He didn't expect Nobita to say this about him.

"...Really?" Dekisugi asked, his eyes shining bright.

"Y-Yes! Really! I-I've always wondered why you're so likeable and why everyone likes you so much! Now I know... It's all because you are... Hidetoshi Dekisugi. No one can ever be better than you. Whatever you say, it's so soothing to me. It makes me feel like I'm special. I really really appreciate you!"
Nobita blushed softly.

Dekisugi paused.

"I don't even know what to say!"
He replied as he hugged Nobita one more time.

"It's true."
Nobita said as he hugged him back.

"Thank you Nobita!"
Dekisugi said.

"Well then, let's go home, shall we?"
Nobita asked.

Dekisugi nodded as they both made their way home.

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