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Nobita walked to school slowly as he didn't have to hurry.

Once he reached, he went to his classroom.

"Speak of the devil..."
Suneo said just as Nobita walked in.
Apparently, Suneo and Gian were talking about Nobita being lazy.

"Good morning guys!"
Nobita said.

"Also, how are you here so early? I mean, you're literally the laziest boy!"
Said Suneo while Gian laughed.

"Being lazy is better than being a spoiled brat, I think..."
Nobita replied as he sat down.

Suneo and Gian stopped laughing.

"You know what, Nobita? We'll see you after class."
Gian said.

Nobita didn't reply.

After a while Shizuka and Dekisugi came in together.

Nobita stared at them.

"Good morning, Nobita!"
Dekisugi smiled at him.

"Ah... G-Good morning!"
Nobita smiled back.

Nobita knew he was mad at Dekisugi but somehow he didn't want to be mad at him. It was a mixed feeling.
He disliked and liked him at the same time. He knew he was mad at Dekisugi because he was with Shizuka. Yet, he didn't want to be mad.

Instead of being jealous of Dekisugi, Nobita felt like he was being jealous of Shizuka!

I wish I was with Dekisugi instead of Shizuka... Wait a second, What am I thinking!? I'm surely losing my mind!!!
Am I going crazy? What's with this stupid feeling???
Nobita shook his head to get rid of such thoughts.

"Earth to Nobita!"
Shizuka smiled at him.

"Huh!? Shizuka?"
Nobita exclaimed as he found her standing right in front of him.

"I just wanted to apologise for laughing at you yesterday, I'm so sorry!"
She said.

"Umm... It's fine!"
Said Nobita.

"Are you sure?"
She asked.

"Yeah, totally!"
He assured her.

"Okay then, good luck with the math test!"
She said as she walked away.

"T-Thank you..."
He replied.

The teacher walked in.

"Everyone, sit down. Let me take your attendance."
He said.


After the attendance, it was finally time for the test.

The teacher handed out the test papers.

As he handed one to Nobita, he began,

"I'm guessing that you've worked hard for this test, Nobita."

"Yes teacher!"
Nobita said with a smile.

"That's good to hear."
The teacher replied.

He looked at all the students.

"Alright then, all of you can start writing now. No cheating! And a very good luck."
He said.

"Yes teacher!"
All said together.

Wait... This is not so difficult! I can do this. I did this at home too, I know the answer! Oh my goodness, I can't believe this!!!
Nobita thought.

Nobita smiled confidently as he wrote down the answers, one by one.

"Psst. Hey, look at Nobita! Looks like he knows the answers this time...huh?"
Suneo whispered to Gian.

After about an hour, the test was finally over.

"Alright everyone. The test is over, hand the papers over to me."
The teacher said.

Everybody submitted their answer sheets back to the teacher.

This time, I'll score well. I know it!
Nobita's thoughts made him smile.


Hours later.

It was finally time to go back home.

"Children, tomorrow I'll give out the results! Make sure to come."
The teacher said.

"Yes teacher!"
Everyone walked back home.


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