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"I'm home!"
Nobita said in a cheerful mood as he walked in.

"Welcome back, Nobita."
His mother responded.

"Mom, I want to tell you something."
Nobita looked at his mother with a confident smile.

"Tell what? Did you get a zero again, Or... Got a punishment?"

Nobita didn't get to finish. His mother interrupted,

"You must've broken Mr. Kaminari's window!"

"No mom!"

"Then, what is it?"
Asked Nobita's mother.

"Sigh... All I wanted to tell you was that I'm going to my room to study for the upcoming math test tomorrow, so please, don't disturb me."

"Okay- Wait, WHAT?"
She looked at her son with disbelief.

"Nobita, my dear son, are you okay? You don't look so good."
She said as she checked his temperature.

"I'm fine!"
He replied.

"No, no. You must be sick, what's with that sudden change? I don't believe you!"
She looked like she was about to faint.

"I'm going to my room now, mom. I need to study."

She replied.

Nobita walked upstairs.

"Oh, my lovely son!"
She said to herself.

"I'll make your favourite dish for dinner today, Nobita! You can study for as long as you like, I won't disturb."
She said as she walked to the kitchen with a broad smile.

I guess he is finally growing up!
She thought.


Nobita slid the door open.

"Nobita, you're back!"
Doraemon smiled at him.

"Yeah, and now, don't disturb me Doraemon."
Nobita said as he sat on his chair.

"Huh? What are you going to do?"
Doraemon asked.


Doraemon shouted out of shock.

"Yes. Now don't disturb me, I have a math test tomorrow. I need to work hard to achieve good marks!"
Nobita said as he opened his book and started solving sums.

Woah! What's with this change in Nobita? He looks really determined! I shouldn't disturb him. Hard work pays off well, afterall.
Doraemon thought.

But... then again, how did Nobita change so quickly, so suddenly...
Doraemon's thoughts made him curious.



"...Did something happen today?"

"What do you mean by that, Doraemon?"

"I mean... You seem different. Did something happen? In school?"
Asked Doraemon.

"Uh- Uhm! Nothing really..."
Nobita blushed slightly, as he remembered what Dekisugi told him.

"It's just... Someone made me realise that I have to study, to change for the better. Someone has opened my eyes, Doraemon!"
Nobita said.

Doraemon opened his mouth to say something but Nobita interrupted.

"Now no more questions! I need to study."
He seemed like he wanted to avoid the topic.

"Ok then!"
Doraemon replied.

The door slid open just then.

"Nobita, are you studying? I got you some snacks, son! Hold it, Doraemon."
Nobita's mother said.

"Thanks mom!"
Nobita replied.

"Yay!!! Snacks!"
Doraemon exclaimed.

"Shh!!! Doraemon, stay silent! Let Nobita study in peace!"
She said.

"Okay... Geez!"
Doraemon replied.


It was night time now.

And, Nobita was still studying. He looked really tired. Yet, he was too determined to stop.

Dekisugi's words really had a huge impact on him, he didn't even know why.

"Nobita! Doraemon! Dinner's ready. Come downstairs!"
Nobita's mother called out.

"Yes mom!"
Doraemon shouted out.

"Nobita don't you think it's enough for the day? You've worked really hard, afterall."

"I'm coming, Doraemon."
Nobita replied in a tired tone.

"Okay then, we'll be waiting for you downstairs."
Doraemon said as he rushed down the stairs.

"Where's Nobita, why is he not here yet?"
Asked Nobita's father.

"I did call him, he said he will come."
Doraemon replied.

"Oh my poor son! He's working too hard on himself, he'll wreck his health this way!"
Nobita's mom said in a worried tone.

"It'll all be fine, don't worry so much!"
Nobita's father assured her.

"You're right."
She said.

After a while, Nobita finally came downstairs.

"I'm done preparing!"
He said.

"Ah, that's good to hear Nobita. I'm very proud of today, here, have your favourite food which I prepared!"
Nobita's mother told him.

"Thank you mom!"
Nobita quickly finished his dinner.

"Well then.. Goodnight mom, dad!"
Nobita went upstairs, followed by Doraemon.

"Goodnight, Nobita!"

As Nobita went to his room, he finally was ready to go to sleep.

Doraemon crawled into the cupboard.

"Goodnight, Nobita!"
He said.

"Goodnight, Doraemon..."
Nobita soon fell asleep.


It was the next morning.

Nobita's mother was speechless as he was already dressed.

"Good morning, mom!"
Nobita walked downstairs for breakfast.

"What is going on!?"
Nobita's mother asked.

"No idea..."
Doraemon replied.

After breakfast, Nobita finally went out.

"See y'all later!"
Nobita waved at them as he made his way to school.

"I guess it's the first time he's on time..."
Doraemon said silently to himself.

His mother waved back.


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