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It was the next day and Nobita woke up early again.

"Good morning, Nobita!"

"Good morning, Doraemon..."
Nobita quickly went downstairs.

What's with his sudden mood change? He was talking to me nicely yesterday?
Bad sleep? Maybe...
Doraemon thought.

Nobita just seemed strangely, disciplined and silent than his usual careless self.

What was behind the sudden change again? Nobody knew.

Nobita washed his face, ate his breakfast and finally stepped out of the house.

"I'll get going!"
He said, walking out.

"Sigh... I really wonder how his test went."
Nobita's mother looked at her son with slight worry.

I'm so curious... Why has Nobita changed? That too, so suddenly?
Doraemon thought as he looked at Nobita through the bedroom window.


Dorami tripped and fell out of Nobita's drawer.

"Dorami!? What are you doing here?"
Asked Doraemon.

"I am here to talk about Nobita... Can we please talk about him?"
She said.

"Okay. Tell me, what's wrong?"
He replied.

"I feel like the future is quite different than we thought you know..."

"What do you mean, Dorami?"
Asked Doraemon, totally confused.

"I mean to say that... Nobita Nobi is not going to marry Shizuka Minamoto..."
Dorami said in a worried tone.

"What!? How could that even be?"


"Care to explain? If he's not marrying Shizuka, is it Jaiko again?"
Doraemon asked.

"No. Instead, it's umm Hidetoshi... Dekisugi...? If I'm correct."

"Oh I see- Wait. WHAT?"
Doraemon looked at his sister who nodded gently.

"Doraemon... This was really unexpected. Have you noticed Nobita talk about Shizuka these days?"

"...No, I haven't. He's changed too. He goes to school early, is more discipline, he has also become quieter and most importantly, he studies now!"
Doraemon said.

"But... He's never showed signs of liking Dekisugi whatsoever."
Doraemon said.

"I see. But you don't have to worry, Doraemon."

"Why so?"

"Because... Sewashi told us not to. Sewashi said that things are quite the same with Dekisugi as they were with Shizuka. Actually, nothing has changed at all. Sewashi is getting his satisfactory pocket money, and the life of Nobita and Dekisugi is also great, as I travelled back in time... Or into the future in this case, during their marriage. So if Nobita wishes to marry Dekisugi, it's fine. You don't have to stop him, since things are the same. I know that it's too much to take at the same time, but, it is what it is!"
Dorami said.

"Alright then. I'll make sure if Nobita is catching feelings for Dekisugi and I'll let you know, how's that?"
Doraemon said.

Dorami went back into the drawer.

"See you soon, Doraemon!"
She said.

"See you soon!"
Doraemon replied, waving to his sister.


Nobita walked to school alone, feeling the cool breeze blow.

Everything felt quite different. The world around him, turned brighter, prettier. His dull life had turned beautiful.
But, who was the reason behind this?
Nobita didn't know himself.

He thought it was all his stupid feelings for his classmate Shizuka, but at the same time, he felt like it was... His so called rival, Dekisugi.

He never tried to consider his feelings towards that smart boy, was it because he didn't like to bring up that topic? Or was it because he was just too shy about it?

He had a lot of confusions but he let them be.
But then again, he couldn't help but think about Dekisugi, that fluttery feeling in his stomach, kept making him blush a bright shade of red.
He never knew what it was like to think about someone and smile for no apparent reason!

Love is beautiful, afterall.

Whenever he thought of Dekisugi, he had a soft smile on his face. Nobita did realise it, yet he didn't want to think about it at all. All he wanted to do at this point was to deny the fact that he had a new crush again.
But, lying to oneself is not a solution and he knew it, as well.

He shook his head, keeping those feelings aside.

Why, why? Why am I still thinking about him? I mean- yeah, he is nice to me... But, it just doesn't feel right!
Nobita thought.

He soon found himself in front of the school gate.

"I guess I should just get going..."
Nobita made his way to his classroom.

"Hey, Nobita! Good morning!"

Nobita heard his voice. And once again, he was completely lost. He turned around to face Dekisugi, who was right in front of him now.

"The teacher will give out the test results today... I'm really excited to see your score!"
Dekisugi said as he smiled softly.

"Really? Thank you so much..."
Nobita said.

"What are you thanking for? That's what friends are for, afterall!"
Dekisugi replied.

"I wanted to ask you something..."
Nobita blushed slightly.

"Yes, Nobita?"

He hesitated to tell him but he knew he had to.

" wanted to tell me something?"
Dekisugi looked into Nobita's eyes, a soft red blush across his face.

Why is Nobita so... adorable?
He thought.

"C-Can we... walk back home after school, together?"
Asked Nobita.
Simple things made him very happy.

Oh my god! He's so cute!
Dekisugi thought.

Dekisugi asked, blushing softly.

Nobita had a similar blush across his face.

"That's really so sweet of you, Nobita! I would love to accompany you!"
Dekisugi smiled sweetly.

He's so nice to me!
Nobita thought, smiling bright.

"So... You won't mind?"
He asked.

"Ofcourse not!"
Dekisugi assured him.

And... Nobita was lost once again.

"Come on now, shall we go to the classroom?"
Dekisugi asked.

"Oh- Yeah... Obviously!"
Nobita said.

"Alright then..."

Both walked into their classroom.


Tysm for reading guys! You have a special place in my heart<333

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