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As they enter, Dekisugi looks over to Nobita.

"Hey, Nobita?"


"D-Do you mind us sitting together today?"
Dekisugi asked, blushing a bit.

"Wait- Us? Together? I mean, I would l-love to! Wait- No!"

Nobita blushed a bright shade of red, stuttering with each word. He never expected Dekisugi to ask that.

"You know, if you don't want to, it's fine. There's no need to force yourself!"
Dekisugi laughed nervously, the fear of being rejected had occupied his mind completely. Being turned down, filled his heart with a heavy feeling.

"N-No Dekisugi, it's not like that. You misunderstood, I d-do want to sit with you!"
Nobita replied, sounding desperate this time.

Dekisugi had a bright smile back on.

"Well then, I'm glad you said yes!"
He said.

They both take a seat together.

"You've been coming to school early lately Nobita, is something the matter?"
Asked Dekisugi.

"Oh... That..."
Nobita blushed as he scratched his neck a bit.

"I'm doing that all because of you!"
Nobita mumbled to himself quietly.

"What was that?"
Dekisugi asked.

"Oh! Nothing at all!"
Nobita laughed nervously.

That was close...
He thought.

"You don't have to hide, you can tell me anything what's on your mind you know, we are friends afterall!"
Dekisugi smiled at him.

"I'm not hiding anything though."
Nobita replied.

"Okay then, feel free to tell me whatever you want though. I'm all ears, just in case..."
Dekisugi said.

Nobita replied.

Only if I could tell you...
He thought.

The teacher walked in.

"I will hand over the test papers to you after I take the attendance. So, pay attention!"
He added.

"Suneo Honekawa?"

"Yes teacher."

"Takeshi Gouda?"

"Yes teacher."

"Shizuka Minamoto?"

"Yes teacher!"

"Nobita Nobi?"

"Y-Yes teacher!"

After about a minute, the attendance was finally over.

"Now I will start by giving out the test results!"
The teacher said.

"I can't wait!"
Nobita exclaimed.

"You look so excited, you must've worked really hard this time, Nobita!"
Dekisugi said.

"I did work pretty hard for this test."
Nobita replied.

"Hidetoshi Dekisugi! A hundred once again! I'm really proud of you!"
The teacher exclaimed with joy.

Dekisugi walked to the teacher to collect his paper who happily handed him it.

"Thank you, sir."

Dekisugi went back to his seat.

Nobita looked at him.

"You really must be... a genius, huh?"
He said.

"What? Of course not!"
Dekisugi chuckled.

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