06 | Mastery

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A maid came almost running towards Mr. Kim said " Mr. Kim's young master is here " Everyone became happy when they listened to the footsteps coming towards them Mrs. Kim looked towards the gate to see her son

-Kim taehyung-

She walked towards him quickly "Taehyung you came my son " She pulled him for a hug which he gladly accepted her eyes became teary

He said in his deep heavy voice " Mom stop crying " She replied
" You grew up so much "

Then Mr. Kim came towards his son " Taehyung you finally come , come inside " He came inside they all sat on the couch Adam said while smiling

" You grew so much I am glad to see you here " taehyung just hummed at his sentence his father signalled something to Adam which didn't go unnoticed by Adam ,he said to taehyung " You know na tomorrow is my wedding "

"I know " Taehyung replied that tham , Adam took a breath and said to taehyung who was already looking at him " And the day after tomorrow is your wedding with my wife's sister "

Taehyung still looking at him but this time with a death glare Adam continues to say " You know about the ritual of our family that b--"

" How can you expect me to marry some stranger " Everyone tensed when they his voice turning dangerous " Huh " Adam spoke but everyone flinched when he growled while furiously looking at Adam

" How can you expect me to do this I am not going to marry some girl for the sake of a fucking ritual " Adam said trying to control him " But taehyung you already know about our family ritual" Taehyung shout at him
" How can I marry some mere girl " Adam replied " Taehyung she is a nice girl "

Her father said " Taehyung calm down you already know about this " Then her mother spoke " taehyung calm down you can't break this ritual if you don't want this marriage then you have to stay here in seoul forever then we will look for a nice girl for you , think for a while taehyung as she is very nice " He calmly sat on his place .

" I can't stay here I don't want my family at work and adam I can't live here " He screamed internally " I have no option I have to marry that girl " He thought

" I will marry her " He said which made all three happy his father replied " Taehyung you are going to meet her in the Adam wedding she is such a kind girl and treats her nicely "
He hummed at his father's sentence as he mumbled " Kind huh..."

Finally the day of the wedding

Yn came downstairs to find only her father before she could say good morning her father said " Yn come let's go your mom and sister already went for venue to ready " Yn nodded and left for venue with his father

After sometimes they reached the venue she took steps inside with his father she stopped at the door of bride and she opened it and found only ada sitting in front on mirror his father asked

" Ada where is your mom " She replied " Dad mom is waiting for you outside " His father left from the room leaving yn and Ada alone

Ada crossed her hands on her chest and stood up from her place taking her steps towards yn which made yn scared of her. She back off a bit Ada said

" Look today is my wedding and you are also going to meet his younger brother you are going to marry him if you don't marry him then I can't marry Adam whether you like him or not and I know he was going to be a gentleman which you don't deserve so don't pull any tantrums my lovely sister kang yn did you understand "

That harshness of her words stab her heart. She replied while nodding
" Come and help me in dressing " Ada said while moving towards the mirror
" And after me you also get ready "

After some hours Ada and yn finally dressed and became fully ready, their father and mother came inside they both are looking beautiful together in that couple dresses " Omg wow you both are looking amazing my daughter Ada you are looking too good my child " Ada blushed at her mother words his father said " It's time to go "


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To be continued
<Love you all>

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