anxiety attack

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a panic attack you cannot help yourself around of, leaves you with the absolute worst feeling, but harry's always there with you

word count: tiny short one 1150

you've spent all evening getting ready to go out for this dinner gathering with a few people from harry's record label. you've met them all before and they're all really nice, so you're really happy getting ready.

doing stuff like getting ready or when you bake in the kitchen and harry comes and dances around with you, always keeps you calm and takes your mind off of things.

you love your home, the comfort of your home and the fact that there's nothing and no one to impress in any little way.

you spent all day yesterday, not really wanting to go. there's nothing wrong with the people and you often love going out with friends or on a date with harry, but your mind was made up, you really did not want to go.

this morning was honestly the same, the weird thing is that it wasn't because you didn't have the energy and you had willingly agreed to go, you just randomly wasn't feeling it.

now it's a little past five, you've showered, done your hair and now you're sat on the bathroom counter putting on light make up. you're happy about going, in a way you pushed the negative thoughts away, but at the same time you always wanted to go, so it actually doesn't make any sense to you.

you're leaning forward curling your eyelashes, when harry walks in to take a shower. "pretty baby." he smirks and stands behind the counter, you're sat on. harry presses a light kiss to the top of your head.

after you're both ready and there's that feel of knowing you're leaving soon, you pack up the last few things you're bringing and get ready to leave.

when you're putting on your jacket, panic sets in. not in any hectic way at all, you just seriosuly would rather lay in your bed.

everyone's so nice, harry's there with you, it's going to be fine.

everyone's so nice, harry's there with you, it's going to be fine.

you keep thinking the same few things over and over again, knowing that everything's fine, but it
doesn't matter cause you don't want to go.

your talking is minimal as the two of you get into the awaiting car and harry can tell that somethings up.

"can i sit here?" harry sits in the middle seat, instead of the one to the left side, but looks at you for confirmation on it being okay.

you give him a smile, wanting to show him, that that of course he can. harry is the one person you always want next to you, so that he's doubting that means more than he'll ever know.

you're still not able to shake your quietness off you, so all he gets is a smile and a nod.

a car ride (with your favorite music) is normally one of the things that will let your brain rest fully, but as you're getting closer and closer to the restaurant the weird feeling takes over and tears stream down your face.

you're looking out the window, staying as quiet as possible, even though you feel as though you have no control over your body. you let out a sob, when your stomach hurts, it feels like a heavy something is stuck in your chest and it's typo uncomfortable for you to handle.

"baby." harry's arm is around you and you let yourself rest against his body. "it's okay, you're okay."

"can we turn around and go back, please?" harry asks the chauffeur.

your vision goes blurry, eyes are full of the tears you're trying to hold back, but also your head hurts from the challenge of breathing and staying quiet.

harry sits as close to you as he possible can, pressing your body into his, trying to calm you in the best way possible. he did think about cancelling, but then you were humming around to the music and looked full of joy earlier, so harry was relieved you were okay.

"hey, we're going home. y/n, i love you." harry's desperately tries to get your body to stop shaking and just being in his hold is enough to settle you a little.

you don't even notice the car coming to a halt, but harry's holding you close to him and pushing the both of you out the car. he grabs your arms and make sure you're holding on tight as he carries you back inside.

your heart beat is settling and you're able
to look up at him now that the two of you are sat on your couch. harry smiles when he sees you relaxing in his lap, knowing that your breathing has evened out.

he lifts both his hands to cup your cheeks and brush away the tears on them.

"i'm sorry." you breathe out.

"no, no, i'm sorry. we should've just stayed home." harry hugs you tighter. "are you okay?"

"i'm okay. thank you, harry." you send him a smile, cause going home and getting to hug him genuinely was all you needed.

"i love you, want to come with me, i'll go get a coke and some water for you?" harry moves, to get off the couch and you quickly nod, wanting to stay in his arms.

harry knows a cold coke with ice cubes is your favourite thing to have when trying to calm down after a panic attack, so he gets that and a water bottle ready.

your panic attacks haven't been very recent at all. actually ever since you and harry got together, they've really not been happening. over the winter time a little seasonal depression kind of feeling has taken over though and for some reason this winter is just tough.

"okay, ready for bed?" harry's looks down at you, with a smirk of happiness on his lips.

your body still feels like it's just been through hell and back, so tears are back in your eyes, but this time all happy ones. harry is everything you want and more.

"yes, and i'm still so sorry, we didn't go." you whisper the last part, but harry shrugs it off right away and pulls you in for another hug and kiss.

"don't be. i'd rather lay in bed with you every night, than go out to whatever restaurant. i love you, bub."

"i love you." you smile up at him, thankfully.

the two of you get into bed together, intertwining your legs.

he's all you want.

i've only ever had one anxiety attack that felt this way before and i'm not sure if i'm really loving this or not but maybe you'll like it :)

thx for reading
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