-3. Old wounds-

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I arrived at the bar as the first person, followed by Tim. Of course, we didn't have to bring any kids home. John, Bailey, Grey, and Luna had driven home because they had to work early in the next morning, so it was just Tim and me waiting for the others.
We already went inn- I stopped.
My eyes locked on a poster.

'Big Karaoke-evening, Monday 2.9.'

My heart stopped.
O just stood there. My heart raced, heat overcame me, and a lump builded up in my throat.
No! That was not possible! I didn't forget it! I never would've forgotten that!

"Lucy, you're coming?"

I needed a few seconds until I realized what he had said.

"Uh... yeah... I, I'm coming."

I stuttered a little shaky. Then I went straight over to the bar, where I ordered two shots of double tequila, which I tipped down before Tim had followed me.
I tasted the source bitterly, running down my throat, but before really noticing that, I ordered the next one.

"Hey, why so thirsty? Do you wan-"

His gaze changed when he met my eyes, from teasing to concern. I avoided his gaze, which caused him to push my chin up slightly with his palm.
Normally, I would've spent more attention on the heat streaming through my body, from where he had touched me, but in that moment, I didn't care.

"Hey Luce, what's wrong?"

Luce. It still gave me a comforting warmth in my chest the few times it escaped from his lips.

"I forgot it."

"Forgot what?"

Something inside me pulled together and then gave me a sharp pain shooting through my mind. It made me feel sick and uncomfortable, and the situation had hit me like a stone rolling over me.

"It's... it's his 33rd birthday..."

A sob escaped from my throat.
Tim first looked a little confused, but after  reading my expression a little longer, he knew who I was talking about.
He sighed and then pulled me in for a hug.

"Come here. It's okay."

"No, it is not... he... he loved the 33rd birthday! He loved every birthday, like 11, 22, and 33... And he said he haus it that we couldn't celebrate the 22nd together so we make a big big Party for the 33rd... With karaoke, huge cakes and costumes and alcohol and-"

My voice broke, and the sobs took over. Tim hands gently brushed through my hair and rubbed my back until my breeze had catched it again. Then he pulled away a bit, and I could feel his look burning on my skin.

"Wanna go home?"

He asked me in a soft voice.

"I... we wanted to have a nice night and... it didn't overcome me like this so long... I'm sorry, I didn't want to..."

Tim interprupped me fast.

"Stop! I will take you home now, where you will vo to sleep and if I have to carry you into that bed."

His voice sounded soft but determined, so I just nodded and got up with Tim's help, noticing the first time the tequila I had ordered.
I let my, now a little wild curls, hung over my face and left the bar with Tim by my side.

I still couldn't believe I had forgotten it. He had talked so often about that birthday. I heard his voice echoing on my head...

"What's the 30th if you have the 33rd?"

We had planned how to celebrate that day since our time in the academy. We would take the day off and start with a special breakfast restaurant, 'Bblà'. After that, we would have gone to paint ball, Jackson loved paint ball. And then, for lunch, I would've made my special noodles with a family recipe sauce. And we would have got margaritas. Then we would've gone to John's and decorated his big house for a house party at the evening. Of course, we had to watch the new episode of 'Kids Marry Kill' before going to the bar. We would have met up with all of his friends there and had made a great karaoke session until the bar closed, and we had got to John's house where we had just drunk until the next day.
That was how Jackson's perfect 33rd birthday had looked like. And for some shitty coincidence, exactly at this day were a special karaoke day.
Great. Where the evening had started so well.

A car arrived in front of the bar, and Angela and Wesley got out.

"Hey guys, where are you going?"

I wasn't really able to speak, but Tim pulled me softly over to them.

"Uh... Lucy doesn't feel so well... she said something about Jackson's 33rd and-"

"OMG! This is THIS year!"

I saw a tear forming in Angela's eye. I just nodded.
Of course, she knew exactly why that was so hard, and I could tell it was for her, too.
She pulled me in for a hug, which I very welcomed.
We stood there for a short time, just hugging each other and sharing the same loss. Then Angela pulled away and offered me a weak smile, while a tear was running down her cheek.

I felt a comforting, heat gaving touch on my lower back, which gesture I welcomed and thanked with a smile for when I turned to Tim.

I faced Angela again and knew Tim would kill me for that.

"Wanna go in and drink on him?"

Her answer to that question was a hand, pulling me back into the bar.
I fastly glanced at Tim again, who just smirked, played desperately.

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