-11. A happy end-

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Don't tell him.

Don't tell him.

Don't tell him!


My mind screamed that sentence louder and louder, but there I knew, I would ignore it. I wouldn't let that voice ruin my life again. Maybe he wouldn't feel the same, but if he does, I had to know. I knew I had to.

"I'm sorry..."

I saw the confusion in his face as I went on with explaining.

"I did the wrong thing at the hotel, ok?"

Now, shock was written all over his face. We had never talked abouth what had happened in the hotel or in my apartement. But even if we had, I hadn't told him what I told him now, there. But I had to try it. I had at least to try telling him that I loved him even if it could go wrong.

"Tim. of course, it wasn't just pretended! How could it? How could I've pretended to care about someone so much? To admire someone for totally causally things? To laugh at someones jokes even if they weren't funny? I had fallen for you, Tim Bradford! Ok? And I loved you! I still do, and I have to tell you that because if I don't, it will eat me up! And I can tell you why I had panick attacks, now! I am afraid to lose you, ok? I am afraid to lose you! That was why I so overreacted when you hid that you were sick! That was why I sat in your room with a panick attack at night after you got hit by that beam! That was why I cried when I came out of Tamaras' room! That hasn't been a cramp, Tim! Tamara was afraid to tell her best friend what she felt! But I told her that it maybe would work! Maybe if I had told you it had worked! And I needed you to know that I love you to know if I am crazy and bad in love with my best friend and he isn't or if I am crazy in love with my best friend and he is too!... Well... Now it's out!"

I was exhausted from talking so much, breathing heavy. But not just that. I had started to cry in the process of speaking. Caused by sadness, fear, happiness, relief, desperatnes. Wow! I didn't think that I could feel so much at the same time, but obviously, it was possible. But the much more important thing was, how did Tim react? I studied the expression in his face when fear overcame me. It showed fear, nervousness, a tear in his eye, desperateness, and he looked overhelmed Shit! Did I scare him off with that? Would he pull away again? Or push me away? What was that on his face? Did he not love me and didn't know how to tell me? I really hoped not! But it looked so. Didn't it? Was it the wrong choice to tell him? Should I just have held my mouth shut? Had it been too early? Would he answer? Or just go away? Or-

A smile appeared on his face! That was a good sign, right? That had to be a good sign! Smiles are always good, weren't they? And then, he pulled me close. He hadn't said anything, but he didn't have to. His lips over mine were answer enough for me. Honestly, first, I didn't want him to pull away, but then he did a few inches. His forehead rested against mine, and against my lips, he told me

"I love you, too, Lucy Chen."


Tim and I were not really excited to tell the others that we were in a relationship. I mean, Angela already knew, and literally everyone had shipped us, and I mean, she was eleven.

Well, we arrived at the chinese restaurant and came to our monthly dinner. The one last month had to fall down because of everything that had happened lately, but now we all were coming together at this place again.

After talking and eating for a while, I stood up and pinged with my knife against the glass in my hand.

"Shh. Shh, well, the last time we had been together here, I had a fortune cookie. I had laughed about the message. If you don't remember it was, Keep your heart free for a soon coming love. And I laughed about that, but here I am Standing and telling you that what evereyone had known before us"

I made a short break and loved to look into those courios and slightly confused faces which had become even better by mentioning the word us. But then I went on.

"Tim and I are a couple!"

Fore a moment, there was absolutely silence, but then cheering broke out. It was a mix from Things like "Yes!" and "Finally!" or "I knew it."

And with that, we celebrated me and Tim for the rest of the evening. And even when I couldn't believe it, I had got it.

I had got my happy end!

Fortune Cookies -A chenford storyWhere stories live. Discover now