-4. 'Kiss Marry Kill'-

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I had decided to spend Jackson's birthday alone at home with a 'Kiss Marry Kill' Marathon. Jackson and I had been obsessed with this series, and if I say obsessed, then I mean like REALLY obsessed.
We had clothes, cups, and yes, even pens from it. Every day without weekend, a new episode had been published on TV. We had always watched it together, and if our shifts had crossed, we had streamed it on another day. The series had come to an end by now, but I still liked to watch it, especially the episodes Jackson and I had loved. Like season 3. It had been our absolutely favorite season, and I'm sure we had re-watched more than 10 times when we had been waiting for the 4th season.

I put on the TV and ate his favorite ice cream. I hadn't gotten really ready that day. I had gotten up from my bed, had eaten breakfast, had weared the 'Kiss Marry Kill' pullover, and had put my hair in a bun.
I sat there with a bucket of ice cream, but after ten minutes of the first episode, I added wine. I really needed alcohol.
Around 10:30, I had gotten a little tipsy or... maybe a little more than tipsy, and was yelling through my appatement about the stupidness of the characters in the 4th episode when I heard a knock on the door.

I wondered who it could be, because Tamara had slept at a friend's house and wanted to stay there until tomorrow, but the person who stood behind the door, holding a bottle of champagne, was someone I really hadn't expected.

"Tim? What are you doing here?"

He looked at me, up and down, like he was scanning me, but in this moment, I couldn't tell anymore if that was teasing or worrying in his face.
But I saw in his gaze that he noticed that I had been crying, and it softened his expression.

"Obviously, saving you from an alcohol death."

He pointed at the half empty bottle on my couch table and invited himself by stepping into my flat. I just stared at him, confused.

"What? Did you really think I'd leave you alone today and let you sink into your self-pity?"

Some people would say it's rude to tease me on a day like this, but he knew exactly that it made me feel better than to coddle me like an egg.
I offered him a little smile and closed the door behind him.

I hadn't put off the TV what turned out as a bad mistake. That was the reason I had wanted to spend that day alone. A scene played of, a very important scene in that series, where Jackson had jumped up from the couch and cheered when Winston finally told Kayla what he felt for her.
And without any warning, I busted into treats and shaked with my whole body.

In the first moment, Tim didn't seem to know what was happening, I actually didn't know by myself, but after this really short moment, he went one big step over to me and pulled me into a hug.
I know I shouldn't enjoy these hugs so much, but how couldn't I? The warmth of his body, silently comforting me, his hands gently brushing through my hair and smelling his scent, which was way too calming for a normal person to have.
We stood there like this for a few minutes until eventually pulling away, but still holding onto each other.
Starting in each other's eyes.
In bound with Jackson.
Confusenes caused by just INCHES between our faces.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I knew this one tear wasn't because of Jackson's dead, but ignoring it, and lucky he'd think it's because of him and wouldn't ask for the real reason.
But then he reached out his hand and brushed how palm gently over the skin of my cheek, whipping away the tear.
Electrecy was sent out from that point through my whole body. Something in my lower stomach tangled and heart stromed into my face, making my chest flutter heavy.


His soft voice broke the silence we had kept as he pulled away.

"I see you're watching 'Kiss Marry Kill'."

He sighed.

"Sounds fun! But first,"

He stepped over to my couch table and took away the bottle of wine. Not fully realizing what was happening, I just followed his movement, silently with my eyes.

He wanted to sit down on the couch, but I still stood there, just staring at him and still not all over the past moment.
He looked at me for another second when I finally moved towards the couch, then sat down next to him.
Because he had taken away the wine, I had to get along with ice cream, which bucket I grabbed and continued eating it.

"Can I get something either?"

I nodded and pointed behind me to show him he could grab a spoon on his own.
He did that and sat down next to me again, putting his spoon into the bucket.

"So 'Kiss Marry Kill' love that show!"

The corner of my mouth rose up into a little smile.

"You hat that series!"

"No! I... I totally love it."

He tried but failed to lie at me.
I just gave him a knowing expression until he eventually sighed.

"Ok, ok."

"Why do you wanna watch it then?"

A smile appeared on his face.

"I may hate that series, but I don't hate you."

Butterflies, nice warmth, heat in my face, a flutter of happiness in my chest, and this all caused by a few simple words.
The first thing I thought about was teasing, of course, that'd be the sure way, but that had been so sweet... I really didn't want to tease him for it. I wanted to truly show him that what he had said meant something to me.
But I didn't trust my mouth, so I just cuddled up a little to him and offered him a little smile.

"So... what's going on there?"

He pointed to the TV.
I knew he didn't really care about the series, but obviously tried to cheer, so I explained it to him.

And with Tim being there, forcing, to feel the series completely and making me completely laugh with that, this horrible day was a little less horrible.

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