-8. Promised-

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After a while, which felt like forever, I felt Tim's fingers slowly moving. I had wrapped my hand into his and now jumped up from the little movement. I had almost fallen asleep, but now I was fully awake again.


He shifted a little in his hospital bed while groaning a little, slowly waking up.


His eyes opened slowly, and without hesitating a second, I hugged him tightly. His answer was a little groan, probably in pain, so I loosened a bit of my grip but still held onto him.


He let out weakly, and tears started running down my face.


I greeted him back and pulled back to face him.

"How do you feel?"

"Like a beam has fallen down on me."

A giggle escaped from me.

"Don't dare to do something like this to me again."

I then added in a serious tone.

"I thought I'd lost you."

I felt another wave of tears flashing into my eyes when I hugged him tightly again.

"You didn't... and you won't, Lucy."

Yeah, I really hoped so.


I couldn't sleep.
I layed in my bed that night and couldn't close my eyes. Fear made his way everywhere in my body and kept me awake.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I tried to think about something else, but
I couldn't lose Tim.
I really couldn't.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
My pulse went up.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
My breeze went heavy.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I couldn't lose Tim.
I wasn't able to breeze anymore.
I wasn't able to scream.
To move.
To do anything.
Tears rushed over my cheek, but I was silent. I didn't do a noise.
It was a terrible feeling. I wanted it to end, but it didn't. It held on for a too long time until I eventually drifted to sleep.


The shot was fired.
And there was blood. On my face. On my hands.
On Tim.
Because it was Tim's blood. And after a few seconds, I pressed on the wound all the time, his eyes got wide and were open all the time.
No pulse. No warmth.
He was dead.



Tamaras voice echoed against the walls of my room as I shot up, covered all over in sweat. I was burning, my pulse could've taken my heart and jumped out of my chest, and my lungs didn't feel big enough to get enough oxygen to breeze.

"A dream... OMG... it... was... just a... dream."

I cried in relief and half screamed while it.
Then Tamara hugged me tighly. She looked scared, so scared...

"I'm sorry..."

The fear from her face disappeared and changed into concern.

"Lucy, you... you screamed in your dream. I mean... are you ok? No, you're not... what's wrong? What is bothering you so much that you had such a horrible dream?"

Fortune Cookies -A chenford storyWhere stories live. Discover now