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During lunch, all the tables were pushed together to form one long, continuous surface, creating a sense of forced camaraderie among the tributes. The atmosphere buzzed with tension and simmering anger. Tributes, who normally wouldn't give each other a second glance, were now seated side by side, engaging in tentative conversations.

Lilith found herself sitting across from Elias and Ben, with Woof and Cecelia flanking her on either side. The awkwardness of the situation was palpable, each tribute grappling with their own anxieties and unspoken fears.

"How'd it go?" Ben asked, breaking the ice as he inquired about Lilith's archery lesson with Katniss.

Lilith hesitated before responding, her mind replaying the events earlier in the day. She had been reluctant to ask Katniss for a lesson, the memory of their strained interaction still fresh. However, joining the alliance meant building trust, and seeking out Katniss for archery training was a necessary step.

"It went well," she finally replied, her voice steady but guarded. "I was a bit hesitant at first, but I think we made some progress. Katniss was... surprisingly patient." Surprisingly, Katniss seemed to have set aside their past tensions and was actually bearable today. She showed Lilith how to properly hold a bow and align her sight with the target, offering useful advice that improved her aim.

Ben nodded, sensing the underlying effort Lilith had put into bridging the gap. Around them, conversations continued in a low hum, the tributes momentarily united by their shared meal and the uneasy alliance that had brought them together.

"And Finnick?" Elias inquired, taking a bite of bread. "Have you been avoiding him?" Elias found amusement in watching Finnick and Lilith go out of their way to avoid each other. The tension between them was a source of endless entertainment for him.

Today, Elias tried to coax Finnick into breaking the ice, suggesting he engage her in conversation and provoke a reaction.

Though Finnick laughed off the suggestion, it clearly lingered in his mind.

Despite the temptation, Finnick couldn't bring himself to follow through. He was certain that confronting Lilith would result in her hurling a knife or sword at him. Having spent the majority of her training mastering sharp weapons, Lilith's proficiency—and her temper—were well-known. The prospect of her reacting violently was enough to keep Finnick at a cautious distance, despite Elias's persistent nudging.

"I told him to leave me alone, and it looks like he listened," Lilith remarked, though her voice betrayed a hint of uncertainty. "But I know I can't avoid him forever."

She understood all too well that avoiding Finnick was only a temporary solution. With the arena looming just days away, she couldn't escape the inevitable reality that they would have to confront each other. They were likely both part of the same alliance, and cooperation would be crucial for survival.

"How's Lacey?" Lilith asked Elias, her curiosity genuine as she switched the conversation. Lacey, Elias's girlfriend from District Seven, was someone Lilith had never met. Yet, from Elias's descriptions, Lacey seemed almost mythical—a paragon of intelligence, kindness, and a touch of endearing sarcasm. She worked in the mason shop, delicately carving small wooden figurines, much like Johanna's grandmother's sister, Lamina.

"She's great," Elias replied with a warm smile. "A bit upset that I'm here, but she understands."

His eyes softened as he spoke, reflecting a blend of pride and longing. It was clear that Lacey's support, despite her understandable concern, was a source of strength for him.

Elias was a mirror image of his grandfather and father: intelligent, reserved, and inevitably smitten with a girl far out of his league, one who never seemed to stop talking. The pattern was unmistakable. His grandmother and mother were both effervescent and outgoing, perfectly balancing the quiet introversion of his grandfather and father.

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