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As the eve of the games unfolded, the tension in the air was as thick as the Capitol's opulent fabrics. Each tribute wrestled with their thoughts, crafting speeches in their minds aimed at halting the impending bloodshed. Anger simmered beneath the surface of every tribute, directed squarely at President Snow for perpetuating this cycle of violence.

In the confines of her prep room, Lilith settled into her chair as Quinn meticulously secured her hair into a sleek ponytail. Around her, the bustling energy of her team of stylists swirled, each focused on enhancing Lilith's already striking features. Their efforts weren't solely for vanity's sake; Daryll's directive for Lilith to appear desirable loomed over them.

Despite her inherent beauty, Lilith's infrequent forays into public events meant that it had been some time since she'd been fully dolled up. This upcoming interview with Ceaser presented a prime opportunity for her to make a memorable impression, and her team was determined to ensure she did just that.

"Do you have any idea what you're going to say?" Quinn inquired, her hand deftly applying hairspray to Lilith's hair to ensure it stayed perfectly in place.

Lilith shook her head slightly. "Not really. I'll just improvise based on whatever Caesar asks." She replied with a hint of uncertainty in her voice. She grappled with the daunting task ahead of her: convincing the powers that be to cancel the Games. Yet, deep down, she harbored no illusions about the likelihood of success. 

The Games had persisted for over 75 years without interruption, a grim testament to the Capitol's unwavering commitment to their spectacle of control. Elias had recounted tales of past attempts to disrupt the Games that included a rebel bombing of the arena, which had done little to deter the Capitol's resolve.

Once the hair and makeup team had worked their magic, Lilith was escorted to another chamber, where she couldn't help but release a gasp of awe at the sight that greeted her. There, hanging before her, was a dress that seemed to embody elegance itself.

Intrigued, she approached, her eyes widening at the sight of the garment. It was a masterpiece in black velvet, cascading down to the floor in a seamless symphony of fabric. Strapless, its sides and back enveloped in the deepest shade of black, while the front boasted a daring chained bodice, adorned with gleaming metallic accents that caught the light with every movement. It was a creation of exquisite beauty, the kind of attire that Lilith had never envisioned herself wearing, yet now found herself drawn to with an inexplicable allure.

Lilith effused, her eyes tracing the intricate details of the dress. It was unlike anything she had ever laid eyes on, a departure from her usual array of unique yet unremarkable garments.

"I'm glad you like it. I poured my heart into this design for weeks, just knowing it would capture your essence." Quinn beamed, her pride evident in every stitch. Originally crafted in pristine white, the dress had undergone a transformation at Snow's decree, banning anyone from wearing white attire.

With an air of urgency, Quinn ushered Lilith towards the dress, eager to see her adorned in her creation before the impending interviews commenced.


"I heard you joined the alliance."

Lilith whirled around, taking an instinctive step back. Her eyes met Finnick's, and she couldn't suppress an exasperated eyeroll at his sudden proximity. He stood too close, his presence both unexpected and unnerving. His gaze traced over her appearance, noting the details meticulously.

Her hair, pulled back into a sleek ponytail, framed her face with a sense of purpose. Subtle yet striking makeup accentuated her features, adding an air of confidence to her demeanor. Long diamond earrings dangled elegantly, catching the light with each movement. But it was the necklace that captured Finnick's attention most intensely—a delicate silver pendant in the shape of a lily flower rested perfectly between her collarbones. Lilies, one of her favorite flowers, were symbols of purity but also harbored a hidden toxicity, much like Lilith herself.

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