(5) Daddy issues

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Mentions of physical abuse

꧁Hailey POV꧂

Me and Jake finished dinner with his family. The food was so good, especially the French onion soup. I rubbed my stomach, Jake's mother really knows how to cook.

"Was the food good princess?" He giggled.

"Mhm!" I smiled at him, then I realized something. Jake's dad wasn't at dinner, I wondered why.

Once we made it to Jake's room, I asked.

"Hey Jake I got a question." I sat on his bed while he closed the door, he looked at me.

"Hmm?" He said, gesturing me to ask.

"Where's your dad?" I asked, I didn't know much about his dad. He went slient, almost sad.

"Oh uhm."

"I'm sorry if that was rude! It's just you never really mention him and he wasn't at dinner." I said, he sat down next to me.

"My parents are divorced, they divorced because my father was abusive. He would hit me and my sister a lot." He paused for a moment, "my mom tried really hard to leave him but he wouldn't let her, until one day he tried to hurt Milo who was like only 2. And she knew she had to leave, so she packed everything she could, put all my siblings in a car and drove away." He said, his eyes watery. "The worst part is.. people say I look exactly like him. Despite his eyes, people say I'm a copy of him. From his hair to the way he acts, they say i act like him when he was in high-school." Jake said, he was crying a little, Hailey felt so bad for bringing this up. "So I really try to not be like him. Hell, I considered to dye my hair to my mom's color so I wouldn't be reminded of him."

"Oh Jake.." I said hugging him.

"One time, before my parents separated, my dad had yelled at my sister. I went to go and comfort her but she pushed me away. I think it was because I looked like my dad, she apologized for it, but it always made me feel like I would end up a bad person."

"You won't Jake." He looked at me before replying,

"How do you know?.." he said, looking at me.

"Jake your the most kind, polite, caring, and gentlemanly man I've met." I said looking at him, "I'm not saying this because I'm your girlfriend, I'm saying this because you are. It's rare to find a gentleman nowadays. You can be cocky, but you're so nice and kind, you go out your way to make sure I'm happy and carefree. I don't even need open a car door, because you're always running to open it for me."

I hugged him, and felt him hug me back.

"So I'm sure, very sure, that you won't end up like him." He pulled away from my hug and smiled.

"Thank you Hailey." I smiled back at him, he kissed me on the cheek. "What did I do to deserve a princess like you." I giggled and we cuddled on his bed for a bit before we wrote a song, in his notebook I got for him.

Then my phone began to ring, it was Zander. I answered,

"Hello??" I spoke into the phone, suddenly he shrieked in my ear.

"Where are you?! Are you okay?!" I jumped a little.

"I'm okay I'm at Jake's house." I said into the phone, I heard his relief sigh.

"Well it's almost 7, do you want me to pick you up?" He asked me.

"Uhh yeah sure." I said, a little bummed out because I wanted to spend more time with my lovely boyfriend. I hung up on Zander, and looked at Jake and told him,

"Zander's picking me up." I sighed, and he frowned.

"Aww my princess is leaving me." He hugged me. I chuckled and hugged him back, he buried his face into my chest. I rubbed his back, i said.

"Is Prince Charming being clingy?" I joked with him, and he just giggled. He cuddled for a bit, unt I heard a car beep and I was sure it was Zander. Me and Jake walked up the window and saw Shannon's car, which Zander was probably driving.

Jake handed me my bag, we walked down the stairs and saw Jake's Mother, sister, and younger brother.

"Oh Hailey! Are you leaving?" His mother asked getting up. I nodded.

"My brother came to pick me up." I said, she hugged me goodbye.

"Do come back soon!" She smiled at me, Milo shouted goodbye, he was watching a movie with Charlotte. She smiled at me and waved good bye, she seemingly was about to shout me a goodbye but Milo tugged on her shirt to look at the screen. We walked to the door but before I could open the door, Jake kissed me.

"If I kiss you out there, Zander would murder me." He said, I smiled.

"Smart choice Sterling." I giggled, before we opened the door, I walked out and saw Zander waiting in the car.

"Bye Jake!" I said, hopping into the car.
"Bye princess!" He yelled as Zander sped away.

"Why does he always have to call you princess." He scoffed. I rolled my eyes, I was still pissed at him for the stunt he pulled.

"Just drive Zander." I looked away, looking outside the window.

"Listen. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done what I did today. I just want the best for you, I'm sorry." He said to me. I looked at him, and sighed.

"It's okay." I said, smiling at him. "I have some French onion Soup at Jake's house." I said, Zander seemed to light up.

"So you ate?" He said smiling. I nodded, and started to reminisce on the food that Ms. Sterling cooked.

"It was so good!" I said. He smiled.

Maybe finally the tensions will smooth over.


Angst will arrive soon guys😽😽

Hoped you enjoyed🤟
Also sorry for not updating

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