You're self concious in your bathing suit

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"Ready babe?" Taylor said as she knocked on the bathroom door. "Gimme a sec" you say back to her. You looked in the mirror and couldn't stand how you looked. My arms are too big and I have stretch marks on my thighs. "Hey T?" You shout "can you come here for a minute?" You ask as you bite your lip trying not to cry. "Do I look okay in this bathing suit?" you ask her sadly.
"Are you kidding me Y/N/N? You look amazing" Taylor smiles looking you up and down.
"Are you sure?" You ask looking down at your feet.
"Babe, I'm sure. Red is DEFINITELY your color" she winks at you "but honestly, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Sometimes I wonder l
how you're even real" she smiles and kisses you "come one give me a little twirl"
You hesitantly spin around and you look at Taylor's face. "Wait are you real?" Taylor asks.
She kisses you. "Yep. Definitely the prettiest most amazing girl ever"
You are still a bit insecure but you couldn't help but smile from your girlfriend's sweet words.
She grabs your arm and you walk to to the car.

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