Learning the guitar

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I had known Taylor since we were little kids and we were best friends ever since, but she'd didn't know that I had a huge crush on her. One night while I was staying over at her house for a 'girl's night', she taught me how to play the guitar.

"Wanna learn to play?" She asked me as I watched her lightly strum the strings.
"Sure!" I smiled.
I sat down next to her on the bed and she put her hand on mine.
My stomach fluttered, like a garden of butterflies were inside. My cheeks got red. She took my hand and moved it up and down the strings. "You're a natural, Y/N!" She smiled, which obviously made me smiled.
"Are you okay?" She asked me.
I got worried and knew it was about my red face.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"You're all red"
"O-oh I just- it's hot in here" I made up an excuse.
Taylor got up to check the thermostat.
"It's at 70" she said.
"Well I guess-"
"I know you like me, Y/N" Taylor teased me.
"I've seen the way you look at me. We're all over the internet! Y/S/N!"
I looked down, burning holes in the carpet.
"I like you too"
Taylor leaned in and kissed me, her arm resting on my hip. "I think I love you"
"I-love you too, Tay" I smiled, gaining confidence to kiss her again.

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