Chapter 51- 60

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 Chapter 51 Beast Tide
  Luo Feifei and Mo Lansu also finished the barbecue quickly. Luo Feifei licked her mouth and still savored the taste.

  "Go to sleep." Mo Lansu took Luo Feifei into the Moburg to sleep.

  Moburg was warm and safe, and the two fell asleep quickly.

  The next morning, several people got up early. Mo Lansu and Luo Feifei came out of the Mo Fort, and Mo Lansu put away the Mo Fort.

  Mo Shuining patted herself and said dissatisfiedly: "There are too many bugs at night, it's really annoying." After saying that, he glanced at Mo Bao who was put away by Mo Lansu, with a look of envy on his face.

  "Okay, do you still want to sleep on the big bed? You are so beautiful." Luo Feifei laughed at Mo Shuining.

  "You..." Mo Shui Ning trembled.

  Mo Lansu said at this time: "Stop talking, it's time to set off, let's go."

  Mo Lansu and Luo Feifei walked towards the depths of the forest first, with Chen Jun following behind, and Mo Shuining stamped her feet and joined in. Lu Jia follows.

  "Don't do bad things." Lu Jia reminded Mo Shuining in a low voice.

  Mo Shuining pouted, she was really annoyed.

  Several people were walking through the forest. They were still far away from the center and increasingly dangerous.

  It was getting dark, and a few people found a quiet place to sleep outdoors.

  Mo Lansu and Luo Feifei still lived in Mo Bao. Mo Shuining clenched his fists and had an idea in his mind.

  While everyone was going hunting, Mo Shui Ning stayed where he was, carefully took out a bag of powder from his arms and quickly sprinkled it near Mo Fort.

  Mo Shui Ning looked at Mo Bao with a wicked smile, then turned around and went hunting with Lu Jia.

  Several people have mastered the barbecue and returned to the same place to barbecue to satiate their hunger, but Mo Lansu's barbecue still attracted everyone.

  But there was nothing he could do, he could only drool and watch. Chen Jun was the one who brought it upon himself, who asked him to eat his own food?

  After several people had dinner, Mo Lansu and Luo Feifei went into Mobao, and Mo Shui Ning suddenly told Lu Jia and Chen Jun: "Let's stay in the tree tonight. We are getting closer and closer to the center now. It's getting more and more dangerous. Who knows when a high-level spiritual beast will attack?"

  Chen Jun thought for a while and felt that what Mo Shuining said made sense. It was so dangerous here that it would be safer to sleep in a tree.

  Lu Jia frowned and glanced at Mo Shuining, who responded with a proud smile. Lu Jia immediately understood that Mo Shuining must have done something, and couldn't help but smile.

  The three of them flew to the tree and fell asleep.

  Later in the night, suddenly the ground began to shake.

  Mo Lansu suddenly opened his eyes in the Moburg, turned over and got out of bed, and now looked out from the door of the Moburg.

  Luo Feifei was awakened by Mo Lansu's actions. She rubbed her eyes and came to Mo Lansu and asked, "What's wrong?"

  "Shh!" Mo Lansu motioned her to stop talking.

  The two of them just looked out through the door.

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