A surprise visitor

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"Babe, wake up," 

Lucy groaned in annoyance as she felt a hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her awake. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at the person that hand belonged to. "Tim, it's still dark outside, it's too early to take kojo on a run" 

Tim kept shaking her shoulder though, harder. "No Lucy, get up."  She muttered something and pulled the pillow over her head, wiping her eyes groggily. "Lucy!" He whisper yelled "get your gun,"  The urgency in his voice surprised her, and she sat up quickly. 


"Someone's in the house," Lucy shot out of bed at this, as quietly as she could, and ran for the dresser against her wall. Pulling her off duty piece out of the top right drawer, also pulling a pair of pajama shorts on. Tim was beside her in an instant, getting his own gun, and a shirt. He grabbed Lucy's forearm and she turned to look at him, he drew a finger to his lips but pointed to his phone on the bedside table. "Call it in," he whispered. Then Lucy heard it, a loud bang downstairs followed by glass shattering. Kojo shot up from his dog bed beside theirs, and let out a low growl. 

"Shh Kojo quiet," she hissed. Pacing to get the phone, she dialed 911 and waited as it connected to dispatch. 

"911 what's your emergency?" The dispatch officer asked, her voice crackling through the phone.

"This is off duty detective Lucy Bradford badge number 28537, we have a possible 459 in progress at our residence at 654 Labrea Ave, log me and Sargent Tim Bradford badge number 34831 in for overtime and send a patrol unit," 

"Okay detective, we have officers ten minutes out,"  Lucy shot Tim a look as the sound of footsteps echoed downstairs. 

"Yeah, that's not going to work, we're engaging." Tim said, reaching over and hanging up the phone. She handed it to him, and he stashed it in his waistband (his boxers don't have pockets) Lucy loaded, and cocked her gun. "Ok, let's go." They had already wasted a few minutes, and whoever had broken in was most likely to make their way upstairs soon. In search of valuables, a safe, them... so they had to act fast. 

"Cut em off at the stairs," Lucy said, and Tim nodded. Trying not to smile " I trained her well"  he thought to himself, admiring his wife as she hopped right into action, looking beautiful and badass. She pulled their door open quickly (author note: YALL this actually makes it squeak less so helpful hack ig) and checked her surroundings before stepping out into the hallway. Holding her gun out in front of her, she and Tim exchanged nods and he took her six. 

Muffled voices downstairs let Lucy know there were two invaders, a man barked"Come you got everything set?" Followed by some muttering and "put that shit in the bag, and let's go,"Lucy stepped out onto the landing of the stairs, and held her gun up at them.

"YOUR'E NOT GOING ANYWHERE," Lucy yelled, startling Tim "LAPD, PUT YOUR HANDS UP," One of the invaders shrieked and dropped a bag they were holding. 

"Lucy? What the FUCK?" They yelled, throwing their hands in the air. 

Lucy furrowed her brows, a look of recognition crossing her face. "Tamara? What are you doing?!"

"T?" Tim yelled, taking a stance next to his wife, he flicked the light switch to the stairs and lowered his gun as he took in the sight of his living room. "Oh my god Tamara," He rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. Lucy lowered her gun and let out a laugh as she made her way down the stairs. "I'll call dispatch and give them the all clear," He yelled, pulling his phone from his waistband.

Lucy reached out to pull Tamara in to a hug, but shot a look at the two men with her. Recognizing one as Tamara's boyfriend Andrew, who'd come over for dinner once or twice. "You scared the shit out of me," Lucy said. 

"I scared you?" Tamara said, laughing. "I got to see cop Lucy in action, that was terrifying!" 

"I thought we were getting robbed!" Her eyes darted to a shattered vase on the floor, explaining the glass they heard shatter, and a party popper, explaining the bang.

"I live here!" 

"yeah well you're supposed  to be at SDSU." Tim said, joining the little party downstairs. He turned to Lucy. "They logged off our overtime," She murmured in understanding and turned back to Tamara.

"Geez, I was trying to be nice!" She pointed to one of the bags she was carrying, in it were tons of  birthday supplies, streamers, balloons ect. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be scared of a surprise party."

"Awe T you remembered my birthday?" Tim said 

"Of course Dadford," he pulled her in to a hug and smiled, then reached his hand out to shake Andrew's hand. 

"Well... surprise?" 

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