Chapter 3

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Picture of Sebastian


Hey, Ivy... I heard someone shaking me while trying to wake me up. Ivy.. This person continued, oh my god! Can't you see i am sleeping? Let me be happy.

Mhmmm I mumbled finally giving up on my sleep.

We are going to the beach, you coming? The person asked me.

Be ready in a few I said as clear as I could with my morning spirit.

I finally got all my forces and got up from bed. Yeah, I am not a morning person. I turned to check if who had woken me up was still in the room but no clue of no one in here. I just quickly put on a bikini and some high waited shorts with a crochet white top.

Hey heey! I greeted all of the boys who were having breakfast and of course Blair. They all greeted me back and Zac asked me if i was ready and we started walking to the beach.

I am tireeeeeeeed! I shouted waiting for someone to volunteer to carry me the path which was missing to get to the beach.

Jump up girl Cam said and I quickly jumped to his back.

You are by far my favorite now I said while Cam just smiled at the comment and we all continued walking. Well actually all except me because I am the queen of the world, or at least that is what I like to think.

We finally arrived at the beach and let me tell you, Cape Town's beach is the best of the entire world. It was still morning so it was not even close to being full, more like the only people in the beach where us and some random old couple who seemed to come back from a walk.

You know what I just realized? Sebastian hasn't spoken since I woke up, this is sure a miracle!

As soon as we arrived all the boys run into the water and I just stayed with Blair talking and tanning a bit.

Princesa aren't you coming to the water? I heard Sebastian asking.

Wow, I thought it was a miracle, but you actually talked so it is over now I said sarcastically but really meaning it deep deep down.

Before I could react I was hanging upside down from Sebastian's shoulder. I tried to kick but of course, it was useless. I also tried biting him, again he didn't had any fatness to bite. While I was trying to find out how to get down Sebastian put me down.

The problem? Not in the sand but in the water. I quickly went to the surface and started screaming. Soon Matt, Zac, Cam and Sebastian were all laughing their asses of for me. Jeez, thanks guys.

As they were laughing I decided to throw water at them making them all swallow some sea water.

Really Ivy? Sebastian asked me while spitting the water he had in his mouth thanks to me.

Naah, it was just a joke, let me take it back. Yeah, really Sebastian I said annoyed by him. After that i just walked back to where I was sitting before with Blair before I was thrown into the water against my will.

Hot guys at 8' Blair said low enough just for me to hear. I quickly turned around and saw nothing, like no one at all. I just hope they were hot people my age and not hers, no offence, but i don't want to date a 30 year old man.

Yeah okay, I suck at this. Seriously, I can't find them I said out loud throwing my hands in the air.

Ivy... Blair said biting her nail making it almost impossible to hear her.

Hey there A guy said standing in front of me. Let me tell you, he was HOTT, yeaah, he was double 't' worth it.

Ohh hey hot guy I quickly said knowing Blair meant him and his friends when she said 'hot guys'. Wait I just called him hot guy. I mean, hey I said trying to cover up which was obvious I couldn't as the guy had now a smirk placed on his face.

Haven't seen you before He said quite confidence, oh god that smile.

I actually arrived yesterday to Cape Town I said shyly, wait I am never shy. Aghh I hate hot strangers, always making people uncomfortable.

I guess you will see me often then, bye babe He said giving me a wink and finally walking towards his friends who had already left.

Oh my god he was totally flirting with you! Blair shouted after some seconds when it was clear he couldn't hear us.

Who was flirting with who? Matt asked. Wow, the boys had arrived and I hadn't even realized.

Some really hot guy with Ivy Blair said before I could even kick her to shut up. The other guys just gave me a look and looked to the ground.

Hotter than me? He asked making some stupid pose I couldn't help but laugh about.

Not that difficult to beat model face I said giving him a wink, yeah I am all a charm

Oooooooh! All the boys shouted at the same time making Matt get a bit red.

Damn dude, a girl burned you! Cam said laughing at him which only made Matt get even reddish.

Plus he wasn't flirting, and I called him hot guy so I see no future in it I simply said as I thought Matt had suffer what he deserved already. I totally knew what was coming next.

You called him hot guy? Way to keep them away weirdo Sebastian said making all of the boys and even Blair laugh. Wow Blair betrayed me, I feel hurt (feel the sarcasm)

Ha ha ha I falsely laugh, this was going to be a fun trip...

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