Chapter 30-The end

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"Wake up pretty face" Sebastian said while kissing my forehead. Is there any better way to wake up?

"Heeey" I said still half asleep wrapping myself around him.

"Come on princesa, I made breakfast for us" He said making me finally sit on the bed.

"You are the best" I said and went to the bathroom to get ready.

Okay, so since the wedding Sebastian and I have been closer than ever. We are not a couple, but we would always be cuddling or hugging. I wanted him to ask me out so bad.

This couple of days have been the best, I mean, of course I hang out with all the boys. Yeah, I said boys cause Blair is on her honeymoon. Still, I mostly hang out with Sebastian and I loved to do. He would just teach me Spanish words, or take me out on a picnic, watch a movie or just play cards, everything with him was just special.

When I was on the bathroom I saw I had received a text.

"Hey Ivy, so the plane trip is a bit earlier. I hope you don't matter but we are leaving tomorrow. The company has already set the hotel accommodations for you to stay and you would start working the next day. We want you to keep publishing on BohoBlur, but help us with outfits, designers, interviews and picking the models. I'll see you tomorrow,

I had totally forgotten to tell the boys about my working gag in London. I was to afraid to tell them, specially Sebastian but I knew I needed to specially if I was leaving tomorrow.

I gathered all of the boys in the yard to tell them. If I was going to cry, I was going to cry just once with my six favorite boys.

"So emm guys I have to tell you something and I don't want you to interrupt me until I am over. It is not easy for me but I have to say it now" They just all gave me worried looks and I continued.

"I've been offered a job in a fashion studio in London and I took it. My life was a complete mess before I came here and I know this offer is something big which would make not only my parents, but specially my brother proud of me. He always told me I had a talent with fashion and I think I found it now" I said with a weak smile and a tear running down my cheek at the thought of my brother leaving me and me leaving my best friends right now.

"I can't even think of how am I going to survive without you guys, you had made me so happy throughout this time. You are always there for me making me laugh and I will never be able to thank you enough for all, but I need to do this. I need to take this opportunity as I don't know if I am ever getting any other. I am leaving tomorrow morning. Guys I-I lo-ve you so much" I broke at the end. I couldn't leave them, but I had too.

I started to cry and I was soon hugged by twelve strong arms.

"Ivy, we are happy for you. We know you would leave us sooner or later, you were not meant to live here, we knew you were meant for something big" Zac said once they all finally let me go. He really thought that about me?

"Yeah, just remember us once you are famous, okay?" Lucas said with a soft smile

I left a small giggle out "I promise"

"We can still talk to you right? I still need my big sister with me" Cam said almost crying making me cry even more.

"Of course Cam, I would never leave my little brother with all of this boys alone" I then look to Sebastian.

"Good luck." He just said and stormed out of the house.

That's when I really broke. He was the person I most cared about and he just left like that, I can't believe I was falling for him so bad.

Mateo was soon hugging me tight, he knew I was developing strong feelings for Sebastian and he knew how much this hurt to me. I couldn't understand why did he had to do this to me, I was just too weak to even speak.

I rushed into my room and lock myself there. I had already made my bag as I thought we would all hang out tonight as a goodbye dinner, I guess I thought wrong.

I spent the entire night crying. I wasn't turning back now. I thought of doing it until before I told the guys, but when I saw Sebastian's reaction I understood he didn't cared about me and I should just better leave now.

It was 6am and the boys took me to the airport. All of them were there with me except Sebastian. I wished he would at least came to say goodbye but I guess it was too much to ask. I had to act strong, I couldn't break here and now.

I heard the speaker calling my flight to board. I gave all the boys one last tight hug of course some tears escaping in the process and boarded the plane which was taking me away of everything I had learned to love so much over the last couple of months.

Not only I loved South Africa, but I loved the boys, specially Sebastian.

----Sebastian's POV----

I rushed into the house once I realized how stupid I had been. I had to be there for her, she needed my support and I just turned my back on her.

"Where's Ivy?" I asked the guys who were all sitting in the living room. None of them answered. "WHERE IS IVY!?" I asked again louder getting angrier, I needed to see her.

"Seb..." Lucas started with a sad expression.

"Answer me please, I need to see her one last time, I just need to. Tell me guys!"

"Sebastian, she left in her plane and hour ago" Mateo finally told me. I was so angry with myself, I can't believe she just left. I was so angry I punched the wall leaving a small whole in it.

"Dude it's okay" Matt said trying to calm me down.

"NO IT'S NOT OKAY! I cared so much about her and she left with the impression I didn't. Dude she was special, I- I loved her and now I've lost her forever not even being able to tell her goodbye. I will never forgive this to myself..."

I had lost her.

I lost the only girl I had ever loved.


So this is the end!!!



Should I continue it? Sequel? Something?

Thanks for reading :D

Love ya guys

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