Chapter 20

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Where the event took place


I grabbed myself from Charlie's arm as if my life depend on it. What? I was scared, I was about to walk into a room full of strangers which include Charlie's family which is particularly more weird as he isn't even my boyfriend.

We entered the building only to be met with some guys who asked for our names which Charlie answered by saying "Charles Benson plus one" and they immediately opened the doors for us. 

The place was immense, there were expensive chandeliers hanging from the roof and fancy cocktails being carried out by some men in suit.

Yep, it was a scene I was not familiarized with at all. I mean my mum would always have important and fancy meeting and things but I never wanted to attend, I just hated it. But this was different, everyone there was with their family and that made me feel warm.

"Hey darling you look absolutely incredible" Elizabeth said getting closer to us and giving me a huge hug.

"Thank you Elizabeth, you look really pretty too" I said, of course, blushing a bit"

"Have you seen Martin mum?" Charlie asked his mum. Martin had told us he would meet us here so that we shouldn't worry about picking him up but we hadn't seen him since we arrived.

"No, but I want to introduce you two to some people. Come" Elizabeth motioned us to follow her and she started presenting us to some of her working partners and other people.

So pretty much Charlie would end up in a conversation to whoever him mum presented us and I would just stay there standing like an idiots, agh I hate strangers. I decided to let go of Charlie for a while and go grab something to drink, hopefully I would find Martin and do something fun.

"Who is that hottie?" I heard a husky voice said behind my back. Too bad I knew that voice well too good.

"Oh I am pretty sure you know who I am" I said turning around to meet myself with a well dressed Martin.

"Ah, just you" He said disappointed, DISAPPOINTED! 

"Wow I felt insulted right there"

"Didn't mean to, you are totally hot. Why aren't you with my brother? If I was him I would let you out of my sight looking like that" Agh again the Benson brothers making me blush, god I hate them.

"Are you always such a charm? And he is talking with some people his mother introduced us" I said drinking a sip of whatever I had just grabbed, yep definitely fancy.

"Grown ups right? Come with me, I know a few people who could make you have more fun than this oldies"

"I'll follow you then" We went to a corner with had some couches with like five people sitting on them and I am pretty sure they looked my age or so.

We got closer to confirm my theory, they where three boys and two girls. he boys seemed pretty chill, for the girls? Yep, blond brats.

"Hey there boys" Martin shouts and all the boys turned their heads and got up to give Martin manly hugs or whatever they like to call them.

"And who is this? Why is she even standing here?" One of the girl said, already hate her.

"Addison seriously? Don't pay attention to her, she is just my sucked up sister" One of the boys said giving Addison a dirty glare.

"Well I am Ivy" I finally said trying to avoid that bitch's comment.

"Manuel" The one with black short hair and big hot eyebrows said.

"Thomas" Presented himself the guy with red hair and freckles. Aww he looked so adorable, yeah okay, I have a soft spot for red hair people with freckled.

"Spencer" Finally said the guy who had stand up for me from his sister. He was tall with dirty blond hair and a tanned skin.

We hanged out with them for a bit and I got to know them better still not getting any hint of where Charlie was. He was probably still stuck with his mother meeting people, at least I was having a good time.

Of course every time one of the girls talked to give a dirty comment I would shut my ears because I was sure I could knock them off with just one punch and I wasn't giving it a double thought. Why can't Charlie just be here so we can go dance or something? Stupid rich people and knowing everyone.

"You look bored, come on" Spencer said standing in front of me, I gave him a questioning look which made him laugh "Lets go dance, you can't say no, I'm already standing..." He told me with a smirk on his face still waiting for me to grab his hand which in the end I smiled and did.

I love dancing so I wasn't telling Spencer no, plus I was really boring and I hadn't seen Charlie since his mother started to present him. The music was quite good for 40-50 year old people but of course the slow music had to come on one point and this was clearly it.

Spencer placed his hands on my waist  and I placed mine on his shoulders moving along from one side to the other as the music went on and on.

"So you and Charlie?" Spencer asked as the slow music sounded in the background.

"How you even know?" I am pretty sure neither me or Martin had mentioned it while we were there.

"Apart from him sending me dirty glares since we started dancing, Martin told me"

"We are nothing" I said trying to sound as confidence as I could although it was pretty obvious I was kind of disappointed.

"Hasn't man up still? He was always slow"

"Yep, he hasn't. Maybe he just doesn't like me that much and is looking for a gentle way to say goodbye to me..." I said giving a second pessimistic option, it is always good to have two options in head, you know, so you don't go that down once your heart is broken.

"Nope, I don't think that is even possible. I've known you for what, two hours? And I already find you pretty amazing to hang around with. Addison is so jealous of you..." Spencer said laughing to himself. Okay, he lost me there.

"Why would she?" I was a bit confused, why would she be jealous? I thought she was the perfect little barbie.

"She dated Charlie last year"

"Wait, Charlie dated that-I mean her, sorry totally meant her" Oh my god, I just called his sister a that. Way to screw things up Ivy.

"Step-sister, I hate her too so don't worry and yeah. She can be very manipulative when she wants" He said rubbing the back of his head and returning his hand to my waist.

"Forced you to something?" I mean it was clearly she had, I just really wanted to know into what.

"Forced me to go out with her ugly friend once, she didn't have a tooth" Spencer said making us both laugh like stupids, I was having a great time with him.

"Excuse me, may I have my girl back?" Charlie cut us as he stepped next to us with a really serious expression. Woaah, he just called me his girl, that is a first.

"As far as I'm concerned, you two aren't dating but as my brother is your best friend, I am going to let it go. Take care of her big man" Spencer said giving me a small smile and walking away from us.

"I will..." 

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