Chapter 9

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Picture of Charlie


"Ivy?" I was tipsy so when I tried to turn around fast I may or not have fallen. Well I kinds did but the same person who had called my name caught me.

I looked up to see who the person was.



"Someone drink a bit more than what she could?" He is bad news Ivy remember, be short and run away.

"None of your business" I said as cutting as I could getting back into posture.

"Can we talk?" He asked he grabbing my hand.

"Nope, you are bad news" I said taking his hand away from me and getting ready to run away, or whatever I could do in the state I was.

Before I could turn around to walk away I was hanging from his shoulder upside down. He walked a bit and get closer to the beach. He finally put me down in the sand.

"My friends told me you were bad" I said as serious as I could, no idea what was funny but I was about to pee myself.

"And you are going to believe your friends?"

"Well isn't it obvious?"

"Ivy, I don't know what they told you but I am not bad. I mean I sure have done bad things and all the story but I would never hurt a cute girl like you" I giggled as those words escaped his mouth.

"You called me cute"  said still giggling.

"Yeah, cause you are Ivy" Charlie said hugging me

"Pop" Hahahaha  had popped his nose. 


"Charlie what the fuck!" I shouted to see I was sleeping with Charlie's arms around me.

"Ivy? Oh I guess we fall asleep here" He said rubbing his eyes. Shit I had forgotten he was that hot.

"Did we.. em do anything?" I asked unsure, I should seriously drink less the next time.

"You are fully dressed Ivy, plus I wouldn't take advantage of you" Charlie said sitting up.

"Aghhh I will never drink again" I shouted only giving myself a bigger headache.

"Mhmm whatever you say" He said smiling at me. Yeah, he and him both know I wasn't being serious.

"Wait what were you doing at the party? I thought you were too cool for this kind of things" I said remembering last time I asked him to go to a party with me he told me he didn't do that kind of stuff.

"I never said I was 'too cool' and I came to see if I could see you cause you never answered my calls or messages again" Aww he cared about me. Ivy no. He is bad news. He only wants you for sex. Control yourself.

"Yeaah well..." I said trying to look for an excuse of what I had done but nothing came to my mind.

"I am not bad Ivy, I am not trying to hurt you or anything. If I wanted to get in your pants I would have done it last night when you were drunk as fuck"

"Point made" I mean, it was a strong point.

"So...?" He asked looking at me.

"So what?" I said standing up ready to leave.

"Can we go to hanging out together again?" Hell yeah boy! Wait no, calm down Ivy. Play it hard to get.

"Maybe..." I said giving him a small smile and walking away. Jeez well done Ivy, you sure are a flirt.

It felt good to see Charlie again and clear things out. Was I going to tell the guys? I wasn't planing on. I mean I know I should, but they will only make it worst and tell me horrible things about Charlie I don't want to listen.

I walked from the party to the house as they had taken the car.

Wait, they left the party without me and didn't even bothered to tell me! Wow I feel insulted right now. After this, I am sure I am not telling them about Charlie.

"Look who's back!" Matt shouted when I entered the house, they were all sitting in the living room as if they were waiting for me.

"We couldn't find you when the party ended, we assumed you were okay" Zac spoke up still all eyes placed on me.

"Where were you Ivy?" Cam asked softly.

"Hanging out with some dude" I simply said, I mean I wasn't lying after all.

"Do we know him?" Zac asked again. What was this, an interrogatory?

"I don't think so, I mat him at the party" Wow I was good at lying, like seriously I was about to believe it myself.

"Mhmm" Sebastian finally said.

"What now?" I asked annoyed.

"You are seriously not going to tell us Ivy?" Blair asked me. I am starting to think they know more than I think they do. Nahh I mean, they can't.

"What are you talking about? I just told you!" I shouted at them getting stressed up, I didn't wanted them to know.

"We are not fucking stupids" Sebastian shouted. Oh shit, I can see where this is going to.

"We saw you" And there it is! Thanks Matt for making it clear.

"Okay I was with Charlie, what is the problem? He was the only one who took care of me so calm down, he is not going to hurt me" I said really mad about the fact that they didn't trusted me. I was not a five year old who doesn't know how to take care of herself

"And you are sure because?" Sebastian asked he looking straight into my eyes. I looked to the ground not knowing what to answer exactly. "What I thought" He said getting up and storming out of the room.

"What's with him?" I asked mad now.

"Well he lik.." Before Matt could continue Cam had hit him and Zac had jumped on top of him.


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